Good game

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"So, I expect most of you know what you are doing for the science project."

Our teacher said walking back and forth in the class room. I shoot a glance at Reid and he nods assuringly. I face back to the front if the class. The teacher was still talking but as expected, I wasn't listening. The bell rings, saving me from dying of bordom. All the students get out of th class and run for lunch. As I'm on my way to my table, I see a couple girls with blonde hair and expensive clothes. I feel their stairs burning thru me. As you know, I hate eyes on me. I can't take it much longer so I walk up to them, catching them off guard, when I find my voice.

"Is there a problem?" They shift awkwardly and one them speaks. Blonde hair, short skirt, snotty attitude. Just the kind of girls I would usually avoid.

"How'd you do it?" She asks. I look at them confused. The other other girl sighs, then eplains.

"Let's face it, you're not a popular girl," she flips her hair, "so how are you with the new hottest guy in school?" Huh? What were they on? Were they talking about Reid? Oh God these girls need help. They stair thru me once more, actually expecting an answer. I speak at last.

"If you're talking about Reid, than you're badshit crazy." I look at one, than the other. "And I'm not with anybody." I hear them huff but I walk away before they could say anything else. I walk over to my usual table and find one too many people. Amber, Jade, Derek, Chris and Lucas. Ah yes. Lucas, sitting next to Chris was currently chatting away. I walk up slowly, hearing their chatter. It quiets down when I approach and they turn to look at me. All of them. Looking at me. I stare at the floor not wanting to see them.

"Hi, Corah." I heard Lucas' voice.

"Uh, hi." I say awkwardly, sitting down. We just kind of look at each other. I wanted to hide.

"So, how's the science project?" Jade asks me. Oh yeah let's bring that up.

"Didn't really work on it." I say starring at the table.

"Did you go with Reid?" Amber steps in curiously.

"Yes." I say in a muffled voice avoidig their eyes, remembering that Lucas was there listening to all of this.

"Omg. You didn't work? What were you guys doing than?" Jade smiles at me cheekily. I shoot her a death glare and she imidietly loses her smile.

"Uh, who's Reid?" Lucas asks. Oh dear God save me now.

"Her science partner. You know, the new guy?" Derek answers for me.

"Oh. Him." Lucas did not sound impressed. Why did he seem upset? I don't know. After a little while of sitting there in an awkward silence, Lucas stood up.

"Corah, can we uh," He signaled to walk away from the group to talk. Oh dear I was going to die. Why must people talk to me? Why can't I just be left alone? I swear I'm not human.

We get up and walk together as the group watches us leave. We stop and he smiles at me. I try to smile back.

"So," He says shyly. "I was um, wondering if you wanted to come to my game tonight." He was avoiding my eyes, but I was quite thankful. Looking people in the eyes was a confident thing I guess. Something I didn't really have. Now that I think of it, Reid always looked me in the eyes. He stared at me for an answer and I remember that he had asked me a question.

"Oh, uh sure." I try a smile. He shifts awkwardly.

"Cool. Well, I uh, got to go, but I'll see you there." He smiles than dashes out of the cafeteria .Ok, like I said, I like football. I'd like to see a good fight, or good game. Whatever.

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