Chapter 19: your gonna miss me when I'm gone...

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Authors note: since there is only this chapter and the next one. I decided to just post one today and the last one later tonight:)

Leah POV

WHAT?!?!?!?!? "Your lying." I back up. "Wrong, look at this picture, what do you see?" John holds up a picture of the Vauhns family, john is standing right behind Will and Tara (Dana's mom) and baby Dana. "Why do you want to know about Dana?" He's pissed. "Are you stupid?! I want him to die! He can tell everyone about me, how I'm a killer, a robber, a con man. I can't risk it."

When he turns around I run. But when I past a certain room, it's full of dead bodies, maybe bones. 'Is he crazy?!' I scream in my head. I run into a dead end. "Where do you think your going love?" He holds up a cloth and puts it on my face. I try to fight it but it's too strong.

Dana POV

I don't know what to do with myself, I can't sleep, can't eat. I'm going crazy, I know I say I love her, but I really mean it. It's not like that shitty romantic shit. Like I want to protect her, I need her and she needs me, we could never seperate. Maybe I should give love another try.

I sit in my room and think. Where could she be, I want to give up. But I can't, it's been two days, feels like forever. "Hey, do you have a sec?" Cole walks in. "The police are searching everywhere. They can't find her. If they don't find her by tomorrow, she's probably dead, or gone."

Gone, four little letters that kills me inside. "She can't be gone." My voice croaks. "I can't loose her." Cole pulls me to a hug. I cry in his shoulder. "It's going to be ok, they will find her." I go downstairs with everyone else. They all give me reassuring smiles that everything will be ok.

Leah's family POV


I'm scared for my little girl. I hope she's ok! I miss her soo much.


I'm praying that she's ok, I miss her, I love her too much!


I miss sissy. What can I do without her?


Do I get her room? I miss her and I love her


I wove Leah! I hope sissy ok?!

Leah POV

I'm tied up in a metal room. "Let me go! Your crazy!!" I scream, but what's the point? "Tell me about Dana or I will shock you." I laugh. But then the chair shocked me and I went blank. "You ain't laughing now aren't you?"

He walks out of a small room. "Tell me now!" He slaps me. I refused and he hits me again. I cry as he brings out a knife to my neck. "You don't wanna die do you?" I shake my head. "If you kill me, then you will never find out about him now won't we?" I smirk in victory.

"I don't care!" He jabs me in the neck and I all I see is blackness.

John POV

I throw her out of the building and bring her back. I didn't mean to kill her. She was getting annoying. I give up, I bring her to Dana's house and I go to a lake. I can't take it anymore. I write a note to Dana and the police and die.

Dana POV

I hear the door knock and I open it to see Leah on the ground. I stand still and don't move. Some one comes behind me. "We need to go to the hospital now!" I scream and bring her. I run in holding Leah tight. "I need a doctor! Any one please! She's dying! Please!" A nurse comes and takes Leah away.

"Sir, I need you to stay here." I take a seat and everyone comes through the doors. "Will, he's over there." Cole points to me. "Guys she's not gonna make it. I called her parents, they are on their way." We all sit in silence. The doctor comes in.

"Who is the relative here?" I stand. "I'm the boyfriend." He looks at me. "She's not breathing. The results show that she's not gonna make it. But you may say your goodbyes." Everyone goes in except me. Her parents goes first, then the friends, I go last. I go in to see a lifeless Leah. I hold her hand.

"Please wake up. I need you, I love you. I know I say that a lot, but I mean it. I wanted to protect you, to keep you in my arms, but I failed you. I will always love you. And I won't love anyone else. I will miss everything we had, from the I loves you's to the kisses. I hope your in a better place. I will always be your bad boy! Goodbye my princess."

I kiss her lips and her forehead and walk out. I look to see the doctors put a sheet over Leah's body. My life. Gone. I walk to the waiting room and hug Leah's parents. "I'm sorry." They look at me. "You done everything you can Dana. You were good to my daughter. You made her happy." Her dad smiles and we all go home.

Authors note: I have no words.......

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