Chapter 16: Dead...

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Dana POV

---1 day earlier---

I kiss my mom good bye as she leaves to go on vacation. She's going to Florida to take time herself. I wanted to stay here so I have the house to my self. "I will keep the house stable!" She laughs. "Sure. Bye love!" I go in my room and just sing myself to sleep.


I'm on the floor crying. It's my mom.... And I remember that face... It's the guy that killed my dad. "Dana?" I don't move. "Dana, it's going to be okay. What can we do to help?" Will is holding me tight. "I need a minute." I run into my room. Need someone to hold. I call Leah over to stay with me.


I get a call from Dana. "I need you here right now." He sounds shaky. I drive as quickly as I can. "What happen?" I walk through the door to see everyone crying or looking depressed. They look at me and smile. "Dana's mom has been shot. She's dead." I hold in the cry, but it failed.

She was the sweetest woman ever! Why did this happen? How did this happen? I run upstairs to see Dana on his bed. Things were thrown all over. "Dana?" I keep my voice low. "Are you ok?" He gives me a evil glare. "What the hell do you think?! My fucking mother, the only thing I have in life, is dead? How do you think I feel Leah??!!" I jump at his screaming. He looks at me again. His eyes look hurt.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." I walk over to him and hold him like it's the last thing on earth. "It's going to be ok. I will be with you ok?" I want to cry for him. "This is why I love you." I help clean his room.

"A cape?" I hold up a red long blanket like cape. "It's my favorite thing in the world. My dad gave that to me and we would play superman and my mom would tell us to stop or we would break something..." I see a tear fall.

"I keep it for memory." His voice shakes in memory. I feel myself cry and hug him once more before going down stairs. The boys look like they need to tell us something. "Ummm, Dana? You won't like this but we have to tell you." Dana motions them to go on.

"The guy that shot your mom and dad is in Ohio." He doesn't even blink. "The news report said that he wants to find you and kill you." Cole and Dalton tell Dana. I gasp in shock.

Dana POV

I am scared but I laugh. "Not before I get him first." I smirk and pull out my gun. I keep it for these kinds of reasons. "You will go to jail! You can't." Will screams. I really don't care. If you hurt anyone I love, your dead to me.

"Then I will hide." This is why you don't piss me off. "If I see him around any of you..." I pause to take a deep breath. "I will kill. I'm experienced." I put my gun back and think. They look at me like I'm psycho, I get that a lot.

"Come guys. Let's just relax and play video games. We will talk about this later." Cole puts on the Xbox 360. Leah just watches in amusement. "My turn!" She yells. "You know how to play black cops??" Will looks surprised. "I play it with my brother all the time!" She already killed 27 zombies in the last five minutes.

"I'm tired!" Will complains and so does Cole. "Fine. Goodnight lover!!" I swear we act like we are married. "Dana?! How could you cheat on me for Will and Cole?" She playfully smacks me in the arm. "I can't be held down by one love. I'm a player!" I laugh as we go in my room.

"I have nothing to sleep in." Leah is so whiney. It's cute! "I have some sweats and a t shirt you can wear." I give get the clothes and she goes in the bathroom.

Leah POV

I take a shower and get dressed. All of a sudden Dana walks in. "Dana!! Get out!" I scream. "Shh! You will wake them up!" He walks over to me. "You know, you can just keep the bra and panties on. You don't need these." He takes my clothes and runs in his room. "Come back!" I wrap a towel around me and run to his room.

"Give them back!" I try to reach for the clothes, but he is tall and I am only 5'4. "Their mine. So no." He smirks and takes the towel off of me. He scans my body. "Wow. Your gorgeous!" He brings me closer. I feel his hand go down on top of my butt.

He smashes his lips into mine. Taking me to the bed never breaking the kiss. I run my hands on his abs as he kisses my neck and back up. His eyes are full of lust. "Why do you have to be god damn sexy?" His voice is low and husky. He kisses me. He goes down my neck and back up. "Do you even have condoms?" I ask a little unsure. "Shit, I will have to buy some then, don't I?" Dana smirks kissing me again.

I try to get up and try to get my clothes back. "No. Stay with me please, I love you." Dana wraps his whole body around me as I blush. We cuddle for the rest of the night.

Authors note: LENA!!!!! How is the story so far??

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