|20|The Calm Before The Storm.

Start from the beginning

She stepped into the steaming water and sighed. It was definitely a change from the cold rain. The hot water slid down her petite figure, relaxing her muscles.

"I believe in you." Her father's words resounded in her mind. A small smile graced her lips as she pushed her head into the running water. Whatever happened when she went to that strange world, actually happened. Grabbing the shampoo bottle, she started washing her shoulder-length hair.

Once she was done, she stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her body. Opening the sink tap, she splashed the cold water onto the mirror allowing it to drip down, getting rid of the steam. She then stared at her reflection.

Big blue-violet eyes framed by long-short eyelashes. The three whisker marks on each cheek. Her bangs framing her face, parted enough to reveal the dark red diamond on her forehead. Yes, that adventure really did happen. Her smile turned into a grin and got changed into one of Naruto's white tops and some pyjama shorts.

Leaving her hair to dry naturally, she walked out of the bathroom. Naruto was waiting patiently on the sofa, playing with a kunai. She walked into the kitchen and started making rice and curry for dinner.

"Mimi, where did you get that diamond on your forehead?" Naruto asked spotting the diamond on her forehead while they were eating dinner.

"Oh, I dunno." She answered with a shrug, acting as if she didn't know where she got it from. It would only confuse Naruto if she tried to explain. He believed her and they continued to eat with the occasional small talk.


"Mina~!" A familiar voice yelled. She instantly turned around only to spot her teammates. The brown haired girl latched herself onto Mina giving her a hug. "Hey~ It feels like we haven't seen each other in ages~"

You're telling me. Mina mentally questioned and hugged back as a greeting. Once they let go of each other, Mina looked at Etsuko with a smile. The blue haired girl scoffed and looked at the side crossing her arms over her chest. Mina only grinned in response.

"Oh! That's right!" Chiyumi suddenly yelled gaining the attention of not only her team but some other people around. They glared at the loud voice but it seemed like they were glaring at Mina more that Chiyumi, the blue-violet eyed girl observed. "We're on our way to the hot springs, you wanna come?" The brown haired girl asked excitedly. "Everyone's going to be there, right Etsuko?" She turned to the red-eyed girl, hopeful of her response but only got a grunt in an answer.

"The hot springs sounds great, ya know," Mina responded pumping her fist in the air. And no sooner did she get pulled away with Etsuko behind walking her fast pace.

Once they got there, they were greeted with the other female kunoichi from rookie twelve. They got undressed and went to the bath. Mina sank herself into the warm water immediately, sighing in contentment. She closed her eyes enjoying her muscles relax more than they did in the shower last night.

"Hey Mina," A voice called out, Mina opened her eyes halfway and looked at the pink haired girl who called her name, humming in response. "Where did you get that scar?" Sakura asked directing her eyes to her chest.

"Oh," Mina's eyes flickered to the scar that ran diagonally across her chest. From just below her left collarbone to her right hip, I thought it would have healed because of the strength of 100 seal. "I got it during the chunin exams." She responded sinking deeper into the water so half her face was covered by the steaming water.

"AH!" Ino, a light blonde haired girl with pupil-less eyes, shouted suddenly grinning mischievously at Mina, "Say, Mina, who do you find cute in our year?" She asked bluntly a smirk growing on her face.

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