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Having no title for this chapter annoyed me, so... (I named it)

I'm not sure I said this and I think you'll know that I DO NOT OWN NARUTO. I wouldn't be sitting here in my Naruto onesie writing a fanfic. 

Wow, I'm sad. 

It's the truth, when I was writing this chapter for the first time, I was in a Naruto onesie. XD


About three years have passed since the twins painted the streets. But as the years passed they didn't stop pranking, all they wanted was some recognition, some love. And even if the Hokage and the ramen man, were kind, it wasn't the kind of love they wanted. They wanted someone to believe in them, help them, support them. The Hokage was like a grandfather to them but he never once said a word of praise to them or encouraged them.

They both started the ninja academy about a week after they painted the street. But treatment there wasn't any better like they had hoped, Mina got bullied for the colour of her hair and having a round face, gaining the nickname Tomato, which was wired since she herself didn't like tomatoes.

The kids never really spoke to them, nothing nice anyway. It was usually just the two of them, they even came up with a Jutsu, one that could get them what they wanted, only getting scolded for creating such a perverted jutsu, but it never made sense to Mina, after all, they were the ones that fell for the jutsu each and every time.

The last time she had used the jutsu was yesterday. Call her a thief or whatever, but the man giving her his wallet willingly was not theft. The memory made a small laugh sound from the back of her throat, walking home from school. It was the end of the day and Mina was walking home by herself today, Naruto had said he was hanging out with some classmates. The redhead thought it was a bit suspicious but never questioned it deeper, she was happy that her brother was making some friends. But the idea of him leaving her for his friends made her feel uneasy, but that thought was discarded within a millisecond. 

And in the very millisecond, she discarded the thought, an agonising pain sprouted through her scalp. Feet stumbling backwards in shock from being jerked back so suddenly. Her screams for help were useless as a gag was choking her, though it was very unlikely that someone would help the nine-year-old girl. Soon she was thrown to a wall, smacking her back on the brick. Pain erupted like a fire, opening her eyes that she didn't know were closed, a look of pure terror crossed her features. About five or more adults stood in a semicircle, some had weapons, some didn't.

"I think it's time we showed her to leave us alone." One snarled.

Then it began.

She was vulnerable, no defence, no weapons for herself. All she could do was roll up into a ball and hope they would stop. Just like years ago, the same thing happened. Being beat up for walking down the road. She bit her lip in hopes of muffling the screams, closing her eyes in hopes of stopping the tears. One wet tear slid slowly down her marked, bruised, bleeding, whiskered face. The salty liquid making the cuts sting, bringing about an unknown amount of pain.

Then it stopped after what felt like years. Slowly the footsteps started walking away, they left her to suffer and possibly bleed to death. But they forgot she was an Uzumaki, they tend to have long lives and can't be killed with just a small beating. 

It wasn't a small beating, in fact, it was the worst beating she received. Standing up with the little strength she had left, she walked the short distance to her and her brother's apartment. He wasn't home yet which she was thankful for.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, cuts and bruises covered her face and her body. She lifted a hand and turned her gaze to it, staring at it silently. "I need to get stronger..." She muttered.

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