|8| Pyscho.

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Sorry for any grammar mistakes that I have not noticed while editing.

---Mina's POV---

It was the day of the dreaded chunin exams, being chunin sounds great and all but the word 'exam' alone make my inside swirl in an unpleasant way. Though the exam sounded thrilling enough and so here I was, with my team and Naruto's, walking to the place where we had to give in our applications but, as always, there has to be trouble with my brother's team.

A person named 'Rock Lee' challenged the 'Great Uchiha' into a fight before the exams started. Sasuke had no chance to beat Lee because unlike Lee, Sasuke didn't train as hard as he had. And being honest, it was really entertaining to watch the Uchiha losing to a person that can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu.

After that incident, we continued to the room. Chiyumi had a bright excited grin on her face and Etsuko had, well, the usual. A blank look with a slight frown. I wasn't really listening to the conversations around, my nerves making me stuff my hands inside my new jacket's pockets, feeling the fluffiness of it somewhat calmed me down.

"It'll be fine," Etsuko broke me out of my thoughts, making me look at her but she was looking out the window, so I couldn't see her face. "We'll pass this with ease." I nodded at what she said, a smile replacing my nervous frown. We were strong, and even though this team isn't the best at functioning properly, we could still kick ass.

Suddenly we came to a stop, confused, I looked forward. A boy with dark brown hair, tied in a loose ponytail and light violet eyes (almost white), bandages around one of his arms and one of his legs, came and stood in front of Naruto's team -who were in front of us.

He raised a finger and pointed it at Ducky (Sasuke's hair looks like a ducks rear end). "You, what's your name?" He questioned harshly.

Sasuke smirked, "It's polite to introduce yourself before asking for my name." He stated, matter-of-factly. The brunette narrowed his eyes, scoffed and continued to walk the opposite way we walked.

Chiyumi stood unusually still, eyes wide and following the boy's movements. When he walked past, I could tell she was a total mess. Face red as a tomato, fingers poking together, mouth slightly agape. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes, smirked and nodded once. That's when she was a complete mess. I could see the smoke coming from her ears as she swayed side to side, probably in her dreamland.


I hated written exams and sitting in a row with strangers, nothing but the sound of pencils scribbling on paper and the occasional elimination, it was silent. Deathly silent. The seats were hard and uncomfortable, and the undeniable feeling of someone keeping an eye on you drove me insane. As I mentioned before, I hated written exams, so the deathly silence didn't matter all that much. It was more of the single, double-sided piece of paper that sat neatly on top of the table. The pencil, motionless net to it. 

Now, when the paper was given out, the thought probably crossed everyone's mind, 'only one piece of paper? Bah, it'll be done in two minutes.' Thinking that before looking at the paper was a mistake. A huge one.


Though there were the words of the examiner, lingered in my mind. "Those who get caught cheating don't deserve to be a ninja!" Ibiki's said before the exam started. Again, mind-blank.  What does he mean? Maybe I should have studied more on... on whatever this stuff is!

Looking around me, I noticed that there were many people cheating. The dog person, his name started with a K, was using his dog. The brown-haired girl with two buns was using mirrors. The rude boy that I saw earlier was using his eye powers. The Uchi-what's-his-name was using his eye-thingy too. The blonde haired girl was a Yamanaka, so she was probably using some sort of mind jutsu.

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