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As always sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes while editing.

I had to rewrite most of this chapter because it didn't save! UGH! (Back then)
Hope you enjoy. 


"So, you're eleven years old now?" The white haired man asked, gaining a nod from the short red haired girl. "Wow, time sure does fly." The man laughed. "What do you want to do for your birthday this year?" He questioned raising a brow.

"Can you teach me the thing where the Frog appears?" She asked.

"The Summoning Jutsu? Yeah, I could teach you that but you might not be abe to summon toads." He explained pulling out a different scroll. It was black with a white dragon printed on it. "Write your full name in blood and see if they accept you." He instructed.

She unravelled the scroll, only seeing two names on it. "The others who can summon this are both Uzumaki?" The question slipped out of her mouth staring at the two names.

"They were able to summon them but not anymore," Jiraiya explained a sad smile gracing his lips.

"They're dead?" She asked and began to unscroll it until there was a blank space, "So that means I'm going to be the only one who can summon the?!" She shouted getting excited. Biting her thumb, she wrote her name next to the previous Uzumaki, in blood. The scroll began to shake and then rolled itself back. "What now?"

"Well, you practice summoning them," Jiraiya explained showing her the hand signs necessary to perform this jutsu.

"MINA!" Said girl, shot up from her resting position, her hair messy and eyes half-lidded. With confusion clear on her face. She looked around, seeing white everything and came to a conclusion that she was in the hospital.

Looking around more she saw the Hokage sitting on the edge of her bed with another man beside the door. A small smirk of amusement shown on his lips. "Finally up?" He questioned.

She opened her mouth to respond but closed it. Her mouth was dry and she needed water, seeing this the old man passed her a bottle of water. Mina gulped it down within 10 seconds and sighed in relief. "What's up, Gramps?" She questioned raising an eyebrow, taking note that her forehead protector was off.

"You passed out when you won your fight and now the people who are moving on to the next exam, are getting a month to train with a jonin." He explained, getting an interested look from Mina.

"Wait! What happened to Naruto and my team?" She asked before asking the other question that was on her mind.

"Naruto passed and so did Etsuko but Chiyumi and her opponent were a double knockout." He once again explained.

"And who's going to be the person that trains me?" She asked tilting her head to the side.

"That would be me." The man by the door spoke up. The man had two scars on the right side of his face, he had dark hair tied up in a spiky ponytail, dark eyes as well as a goatee. He wore a meshed shirt underneath his flak jacket, a deer skin coat over that and hand guards.

"Well, what'd you know. Another Pineapple." She muttered looking at the man, he heard what she had said and laughed at it.

"So you've met my son?" He asked.

"Yes." She nodded firmly, "He's awfully..." Trailing off in thought, she looked for the right word, "...Lazy." The man laughed, again.

"I'm Nara Shikaku. Training starts tomorrow, meet me at training ground 67." He said and walked away. Once he left the room, Mina looked at the Hokage with an expressionless face.

"Like father, like son." She mumbled. The Hokage laughed at this and told her that she should sign out of the hospital and go find this training ground.


"Somewhere near the Hokage faces, he said." The red and blonde haired girl muttered in anger, kicking a stone in annoyance, "It shouldn't be hard to find, he said." She murmured, an eyebrow twitching in displeasure. "GUESS WHAT, GRAMPS! THE HOKAGE FACES ARE FRIGGIN' HUGE, Y'KNOW!!" She finally shouted, clearly frustrated.

Mina was currently standing in the first Hokage's face, her hair slightly rising in anger with every passing minute. Letting out a long frustrated sigh, she closed her eyes and thought. I've checked everywhere but above it. Could it be there? She prepared herself to jump up higher when a flicker of light caught her eye.

As she neared the edge of the face, towards the second Hokage's face, she spotted a that the was a small walkway behind the second Hokage's face. Feeding her curiosity, she jumped toward the gap. It was large enough for a grown man to barely fit in but because she quite small for her age, she was able to fit in it perfectly fine.

The blue-violet eyed girl came to a stop, about two meters into the face when she saw the cause for the glimmer of light. One kunai dug into the rock. The handle seemed to be thicker than normal and had kanji letters on it. It wasn't fully into the rock, so it was noticed that the kunai had three blades instead of one.

Swirls and letters came from the blade that was stuck in the rock, around in a circle. Fūinjutsu? She questioned wrapping her tiny hand around the handle and giving it a little tug. Coming to a conclusion that the kunai wouldn't come out easily, she infused her fist with chakra expecting to give her more strength to pull it out.

But you know what they say, 'expect the unexpected'. The kunai was covered with a light green and blue chakra, then the black swirls and letters started to stink until they were completely gone.

The sound of heavy stone being dragged or rolled pulled her attention away from the kunai that she was now holding. A doorway carved neatly out of stone, lead to another secret location.

All or nothing? Right? Taking a deep breath in, she let it out through her nose as she took a step into the darkened place.

---Mina's POV---

Creepy. Ghostly. Nightmarish. They were all probably understatements to the place I had just found. A thick layer of dust covered everything, like it hadn't been touched in years, decades even. A cough escaped my throat as I breathed in the air.

Little footsteps of some sort of animal echoed thought the place when it went into hiding from hearing my footsteps. Squinting my eyes, I observed the area. Shelves among shelves of books and scrolls, all covered in dead skin cells, took up the majority of the space. As I looked to my right, a frightened squeak came out of my mouth. Two masks. Do I have to say anymore? They were really, just.... No. They were both the same, demon-like.

I walked in a little further, watching my step. Skimming over the many titles, one had caught my eye. 'Space-Time Ninjutsu' It read. Carefully picking it out of the pile of scrolls, I blew off the dust. Not a very good idea. Why? Well, I ended up in a coughing fit. Once my breathing attack finished, I anxiously unravelled the scroll.

Thinking to only read a few sentences didn't really work. I ended up reading the whole thing, over and over until I noticed the sun going down. And even if the sun went down, I stayed in the secret room, with a lit candle, that I had also found.

'The Flying Thunder God Technique is a Space-Time Jutsu created by the Second Hokage, Senju Tobirama, which allows the user to instantaneously transport themselves to a previously marked location.' I'm sure that was the one that The Fourth Hokage used.

It's settled then, I'll come back here tomorrow after training with Pineapple-sensei. Secret training... It sounds awesome.

But wouldn't my training with Jiraiya and Tsunade be classed as a secret? I don't know and I really don't care, this will -hopefully- be worth the time. My goal is it master it before the final exam takes place.

But before that, I have two things I need to do. (1) Find the hidden training ground 67 and (2) RAMEN!



So, yeah!



Edited, 26/07/17

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