|3|New Sensei!

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Around three months have passed since Mina was found by Tsunade. Most of the days Mina spent were training what Tsunade told her to learn. Dawn till dusk, Mina barely took any breaks, learning infused chakra punches, a bit of medical ninjutsu. Though, a lot of the time she watched Tsunade lose her money over and over again.

During the times Tsunade was gambling, getting drunk and doing 'adult' things, Mina was either training, sleeping or watching the other gamblers cheat to get their money. The blonde Senju didn't notice that they were cheating, but Mina did. Actually, it wasn't Mina that told her they were cheating. A deep, echoey voice told her. The monstrous voice didn't speak to her much, it was only at rear times and for a short amount of time. She ended up shrugging it off as her imagination.

Now she sat in the corner of the room, trying to infuse chakra into the weapon Tsunade gave her. With a frustrated sigh, she dropped the weapon onto the floor next to the bags, then she concentrated her attention on the people sitting around a very low table.

Tsunade was drunk, asking for another drink and another chance of her losing the money she didn't have, "Oh come on~ another game!" Tsunade begged, "I'll win this round!" She declared finishing her drink.

This was a normal thing, she gambled, lost money and went into debt. A small giggle escaped Mina's lips as she watched Shizune trying to stop Tsunade from gambling anymore. "Hey, Granny Tsunade, can I try to win back the money?" She asked innocently, tilting her head to the side.

Everyone in the room looked at her like she was going insane. Tsunade grinned not thinking it through, "Surrrre!" Her words came out slurred as she waved her hand.

Mina made her way to Tsunade taking in the negative and doubtful comments the dunk people were saying. She sat down where Tsunade previously sat, "Poker?" The one-worded question slipped through her lips as she made herself comfortable on the cushion.

"You know how to play?" One of the men asked, raising an eyebrow. Mina nodded politely, "Well then, let's play." He said and dealt the poker chips and the cards.

And the game started, bets got higher as the game continued. The men started getting nervous looking at Mina's innocent, clueless smile, "I'm all in." She spoke pushing all her chips to the middle. The men snapped their attention onto the young girl, eyes widening at the sudden saying.

One man was going to protest but thought not to. He wasn't going to lose to a kid! So he did what he thought was best, he matched her bet. Pushing all his chips in too, the other men followed suit, not thinking about the possibility of a kid winning the game.

Soon after they revealed their cards once everyone bet in, "Get ready to lose, Girly." He slurred with a confident smirk, showing his card, "flush in hearts," confidence running through his drunken voice.

The other men threw their cards on the table in defeat. The skin in between Mina's eyebrows creased, looking worried, but in the moment the man was about to take the money that was bet, a laugh broke out of Mina's throat. Much darker than what a nine-year-old should be capable of.

His face changed to one of worried and confused, and his face wasn't the only one to morph into one of worry.  "Do you think she lost it?" Shizune asked with a worried look on her face.

Tsunade shook her head, "The game or at life?" She asked Shizune, the smile on her face becoming more confident when she locked eyes with blue-violet ones. "That look in her eye says she won the whole thing."

"Good game, Mister, but," She paused for effect and looked him in the eye, "It will never be enough." Mina placed her cards down showing them, "Royal flush in diamonds." Everything went silent, and after a little while, Tsunade began to cheer with a hidden motive of gaining another drink behind the cheering.

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