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Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes that I haven't noticed while editing.

---Mina's POV---

Darkness. It was way too dark for my liking. I know what happened, we were taking part in the chunin exams and a psycho shows up. So I killed him. Murder is wrong, in so many ways. But in this world, there are people better off without. You could also say he switched my ruthless mode on.

It's only happened twice before and one time I lost complete control. Half a forest was destroyed, the trees just disappeared. Sometimes I'm scared of my own power. The power of hatred is great, so great that once you're in, it's really hard not to get out. If it wasn't for Pervy Sage, I would be gone.

One wrong move and I could end up as a criminal or worse, dead. That would mean I wouldn't get anymore ramen, ever. And Ramen is life, so without it means I'm.... dead? Anyway, the fact is, I don't want to become a criminal, I won't get anymore ramen, won't be able to see onii-chan, and most likely die because I wouldn't be able to have ramen. I had somehow made it three years without Ichiraku ramen but that was because I was able to eat ramen from other places. It was torture! Not having Ichiraku ramen was like the sky was suddenly painted green. I somehow managed to classify it as a training exercise.


My eyes snapped open on instinct, only to see a ceiling with a lot of pipes running along it. Sitting up, I realised I was in a pool of water, no more than a couple inches deep. The room was dark, or should I say hall-thingy. Sewers?

Slowly standing up, I observed my surroundings. A long corridor stretched in front and behind me. Different turns made it seem like it was a maze. This wired looking place got me thinking, where? What? When? Why? And most important, how?

A low growl snapped me back to reality. Curious I followed the sound, leading me through a series of corridors and hallways. My eyes became wide as I looked upon the extremely large, golden gates, a piece of paper on the closing of the gates. The kanji for 'seal' written on it.

"Come closer~." A deep echoey voice said, more like demanded.

I stared at the gate, it was dark inside the gate making me unable to see what was past the gates. Reluctantly, I took a step forward. Wrong choice.

Three large claws suddenly slashed down between the gate gaps. I jumped back, not wanting to get hit. "Y-you..." I muttered, staring at the wide, white grin and the gleaming red eyes. That was all that was visible, nothing more. It made it look terrifying.

"You finally decide to visit me, Brat." The voice said. Squinting my eyes to look further into the cage, I notice that there's a large amount of fluffy orange stuff. And nine tails, moving side to side, slowly.

Hatred is the dominant emotion I can see in his eyes. No, more like the only thing I see. And being honest, I feel sorry for him. Questions swirl in my head, the longer I look into the foxes eyes. "Well, I would have come earlier but I didn't know how to get here," I say, with a shrug hoping it would lighten his mood.

Deep laughter filled the place, but it wasn't the kind of laughter that found my comment funny, it was mocking. Saying nothing more I watched his face turn from mocking laughter to a really angry expression.

"Humans are all the same." He said. Making me confused, in my opinion, they're all different. Different looks, personality, abilities, lives.

I took a step forward, the fox behind bars became clearer the closer I walked. He didn't do anything, which I was thankful for. "You've got a lot of hatred, don't you," I muttered taking a step inside the cage, it was large enough for an elephant to fit in, but small enough so he couldn't get through.

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