Ben 10 : helen wheels x male human reader (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Sadly all things had to end eventually, you checked your phone for the time finding it was already pretty late so you better had to get home and Helen probaly back to plumber HQ before anybody would question where she was. You two paid them you walked outside letting Helen take you both home taking empty roads or streets bringing you back home in just a few minutes without a trouble.

Helen walked with you to the door seeing that nobody was outside she could say goodbye to you in a good way.
(Y/n) : and another amazing date
Helen : yeah

You smiled taking her hand which caused her to lean into you kissing you on the lips one hand holding yours the other on your neck as your free hand went softly around her waist. You two kissed each other for a minute infront of your door closed eyes savoring the taste of each other lips before Helen pulled back.
Helen : see you soon...goodnight
(Y/n) : goodnight Helen sweet dreams

Helen nodded pecking your cheek before running off back home leaving you with a huge smile going back into your home to your room laying down on the bed happy.

With Helen

Helen tapped her foot on the floor waiting for the elevator to arrive at her floor, like normal she got in without somebody knowing she was gone. She wanted to have a quick look on a few more files about her case then maybe if she felt for it to train a little in the training room but she soon would go to her own room for a well needed rest.

A small song played in the elevator as it lowered down to the floor she needed to be arriving with a small 'ping'.

The doors opended for her only Manny stood in her way with his arms crossed not looking happy.
Manny : where you been ?
Helen : out

She walked past him into the hall only he followed her still not looking happy.
Manny : where you ? you keep disepearing for hours then return saying you were 'out'
Helen : yeah i have a life out of my work you know
Manny : still this ain't like you to disepear

Helen frowned walking infront of Manny japping her finger into his chest.
Helen : im 'out' thats all you have to know do do me a favor and respect my privacy will you ?

She turned back around walking away not in the mood to deal with Manny curiosity.

Manny frowned wondering why she seemed so easy angered if he asked where she was, could she hide something from him ?

Manny tapped a finger on his chin thinking then he got a idea.

He walked to a room full of screens and plumbers working, he looked around looking for the smallest alien he could find and found a little one sitting at a screen working. Manny walked over to the small alien tapping his shoulder making the small alien look up a little scared by Manny.
Alien : yeah ?
Manny : i need you to do something for me
Alien : what ?
Manny : i need to take a look about what we have on Helen wheels where she been she been acting suspicious.
Alien : im sorry but what a plumber does outside her work is...

Manny growled glaring at the alien changing the little fellow mind showing Manny her recent plumber badge activity showing not much happend with it it actually never left the base because she was smart enough to leave it. Manny frowned he should have known Helen was to smart for this.
Manny : is there anything else ?
Alien : no sir..... actually..
Manny : what ?
Alien : while this kinda weird, if i go over everything about her i see that for some weird reason a signal has appeared on our screens from her room.
Manny : really ?
Alien : yeah it looks like it was supposed to be hidden going with a private channel via her badge but since we monitor everything it can be seen if you take a good look
Manny :... where is this signal going ?

Various females x male reader (a lot of animes, videogames, movies etc) Where stories live. Discover now