❦ Tagged Once Again ❦

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Okay so I was tagged again by EmilyMedina708

Go and follow! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

So I have to say 5 facts about me and 15 things that I want.

Fact 1 - My dad is really hiper right now
I think the coffee got him hiper

Fact 2 - I'm not social
Hehe yep, I'm pretty sure the most shy person in the world is meh

Fact 3 - I blush when someone mentions my senpai
Um don't mention Nagisa when I'm around because I'll need something to cover my face

Fact 4 - My dad doesn't stop playing his music
He likes to play his music loud sometimes

He's playing that song (~˘o˘)~

Fact 5 - I'm mostly a winter person
I like summer but winter is better for me atleast

~15 things I want~

1 - Anime to be real
Want that to happen so bad

2 - Go to Japan and Brazil
Places I would want to visit in the future hopefully

3 - Stop being so shy (T▾T)
*sigh* (~˘3˘)~

4 - Have Koro Sensei as my actual teacher
I would NEVER wanna be absent

5 - Be able to eat as many donuts as I want


6 -  My friends to have a happy life
I luv my frens so much ❤

7 - Spiders to dissappear from my house
Theres not alot of spiders here anymore but they uh, yeah...one was on the wall next to me and I fell off my bed

8 - Food (I'm hungry)
I'm always hungry

9 - Nagisa Shiota plush
To cuddle with it (I'm weird, I know)

10 - See Melanie Martínez / Alan Walker
\( ̄▽ ̄)/ Woohoo

~People I tag~ (15)
















You don't gotta do this if you don't want to, ehehe (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)

Take care and byeeee

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