❦ Chapter 17 ❦

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Hello again ehehehehe!!

Enjoy as ALWAYS!


~Maureen's P.O.V~

I slowly looked up at Anahi. Fear could be seen in her eyes.

"What happened...?" Asked Nagisa nervously. "We have to go to the government." Anahi said.

"Let's tell Koro Sensei to take us back." Karma said.

~When they got back~

"Are you guys gonna be okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, hope everything goes well, love you." Karma smiled and hugged me. I hugged back. I saw Anahi and Nagisa hugging too, they were whispering at eachother. We all pulled away.

~Time Skip~

(A/N: I barely say 'time skip' idk why!! Back to the story!)

"Sit down." Alexander said. Hold up, there was only one chair? We ended up sharing the seat.

"Don't take the whole seat Anahi, you're gonna make me fall." I whispered to her. She moved and now she was gonna fall. Why does the chair have to be so freaking smol?!

"So I assigned you 2 on a mission but didn't complete it...that's your first mission fail." Yeah yeah, sadly, we know.

"Would you care to explain why?" He slamed his hand on his desk.

"Uh we got um d-distracted..." Said Anahi. I nodded.

"By what exactly?" Should we tell him? He's gonna flip...I took a deep breath.

"W-we got distracted because we found an awesome resaurant that had delicous food and we forgot about it and Anahi had donuts as well, we couldn't run after eating but we did search before we went there!" I panted. I talked fast.

"Anything else?" Me and Anahi were silent. "What do you mean?"

"I know you girls went with those guys I told you not to go with."




Anahi stood up. "We can explain!" Alexander looked really angry.

"Sit down!"

"Yes sir." Anahi tried to sit down but missed the chair because it was so small. I tried not to laugh.

"S-sorry." I helped her and we sat down again. Alexander still looked mad. He sighed.

"Since you two are great agents I won't go hard on you, so this is a warning, if I see you two again with those boys on a mission then you would be assigned to another one in África and other agents will take care of killing the creature." Me and Anahi gasped.

Heck to the no. We have to be careful.



~Nagisa's P.O.V~

I feel really guilty. I was suppose to be helpful to them. Instead, it became a mission fail.

My phone buzzed.

Karma: Hey wat do ya think happened with our girlfriends???

Nagisa: I have no idea Karma...

Karma: Should we text them?

Nagisa: Yeah okay.

The Assassins In Love  [Nagisa X Oc & Karma X Oc]Where stories live. Discover now