❦ Chapter 29 ❦

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~Anahi's P.O.V~

We were still looking for some kind of dress. Me and Maureen have never been to a wedding since we were very little. When our parents were still alive.

"Hmm, okay so I really like this dress right here." She showed us a dress that was not too short. It was very long on the back and uh...

"That looks pretty good...although don't you think it may show your chest a little bit too much?" Maureen said as I looked at it closer.

"Well what other dress can I wear? There's barely any that I like-"

"You like that dress?"

We heard a very unfamiliar voice behind us. B*tch Sensei looked up and me and Maureen turned around and saw a girl. She looked about the same age as me.

"Uh...you don't like it?" B*tch Sensei akwardly shrugged.

"No no, its pretty but it won't suit you that much. Oh and trust me, I've been to alot of weddings." She smiled.

"R-Really? That's nice." I shyly smiled back. "Let me show you some real dresses! Foooollow me." She started walking away.

We slowly started following. Her hair was brown and she had blue eyes. I forgot to ask for her name.

"E-E-Excuse me but what's your n-name?" I asked.

"Oh my name is Reina. What are your names."

"I'm Maureen, this is my sister, Anahi and this is my teacher B*tch Sensei." Maureen introduced us to Reina. She stoped walking and looked at us in a weird way.

"Wait a sec, B*tch Sensei?"

"Ugh call me Irina..."

"Nah I think B*tch Sensei is more funnier!"


"Anyways! Those other beach dresses were a little bit old. That worker is new to this place but I come here almost...e-everyday." She looked away from us and started walking again.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yep. I don't think those are for you Miss B*tch." She giggled before apologizing. "Hehe, sorry."

"Yeah yeah it's fine."

"Wait but I have a question." Maureen raised her hand. "Ask away!"

"Uh so is there a reason why you come here almost everyday? You're not a worker I believe."


"A-Ah you don't have to tell us! I was just curious?"

"...For Grumpy..."

The three of us tilted our heads. Confused on what she ment by Grumpy.


"I wanna marry Grumpy Cat." She said like it was easiest thing to say in the world. OH WAIT! Ehehe I know which cat she means. Me and Maureen smirked as we realise who she was talking about.

"Who the heck is Grumpy Cat?"

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO THAT IS?!" She sarcastically turned around and eye balled her.


She took her phone out. From what I saw, her lock screen was Grumpy Cat.

"Is that little cute fella over here. I have alot of pictures of him."

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