Two Sides and Crazy Charley:

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Friday, September 4, 2015

Today I met Val. I sorta ran into him while trying to find him. He's a really nice guy once he's calm. Val has a bipolar disorder. Bipolar isn't being happy one minute of the day and then angry or sad the next. It's being Manic like for a while and the depressed for a while-or so Val puts it. Being Manic is being up and high in ways while depressive is being down, empty, or sad in ways.

" You're so cool Evelyn for doing this."

" Aw, thanks."

" I was very excited to meet you and now that I have, I think I'll be cool again." he tells me.

" Well, I'm glad you've gotten to meet me."

" Me too. I hate to be in such a rush, but I have to get to my therapist."

" No problem. I'm gonna go check up on a friend of mine."

" Okay, cool. Later."

" Bye!"

I gather my things and head to Bella's room. When I get there the nurses aren't there. I enter Bella's room to see her and Knight talking.

" Hello there bestie." I say to Bella.

" Hey. How are you?"

" Tired. You?"

" Same. I've been fighting with Charley."

" I'm sorry." I reply.

" He's not too thrilled with what happened the last time." Knight tells me.

" Why not? He almost killed me!"

" Exactly. Charley wanted to kill you." Bella says softly.

There is silence in the room. Bellarose is staring at her hands, I am standing there, and Knight is staring at me. He gets up and walks my way.

" Evelyn...your arm." he says.

I snap out of my daze and realize I am scratching my arm.

" Let's get you to Hayden so he can clean you up."

" No, I'll go home." I reply.

" You sure?"

" Ye-"

Before I could finish my sentence, Bella pushed Knight out of the way and tackles me.

" BELLA! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Knight yells.

" I'm sorry Evelyn. I don't want to, but Charley-he wants me to." Bella says, bringing out a knife.

" Bella, you don't have to do this." I tell her.

" I have to. I'm sorry."

Knight tries to get Bella off of me, but doesn't succeed.

" Hi there, love. Last time you got away, however this time you won't be able to scream."

Charley, using Bella's body, puts the knife up to my neck. Knight tries to help, but Charley knocks him out. I start to scream until Charley places his hands over my mouth.

" You. Won't. Be. Screaming. Today. Love." he says slowly.

" Guess what she won't have to." Hayden tells Charley as nurses restrain him-well Bella.

Hayden takes me out of the room and Ms. Lamb comes up to me.

" Twice you've been attacked. Charley doesn't seem to like you Ms. Lavender."

" I guess not."

" It's like he doesn't want you to tell everyone about illnesses," Hayden announces. " He came back shortly after you came here."

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