No Appetite and Favors:

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My seventh period teacher is mean. He knows I don't like to do demonstrations in class, yet he forced me to. I ended up leaving class without permission and he held me up after class. When I tried to explain that I needed to leave, he just held me up even more. I arrive at the Manor a little after five. Ms. Lamb is waiting for me at the front desk.

" Ms. Lamb, I am so sorry I'm late. My seventh period teacher kept me late because I left class and I tried to explain, but of course he didn't lis-"

" Calm down Miss Lavender. Your teacher Mrs. Honey called and told me everything that happened." Ms. Lamb says stopping me in my tracks.

" Oh, she know? Great."

" You won't be in any trouble sweetie."

" Okay." I say sadly.

" Dinner is being served, so you'll find all your friends in the commons."

" Yes, ma'am."

I head down to the commons and spot Bellarose and Knight. Hayden is sitting with them as well.

" Hey." I say, sitting down next to Hayden.

" Where have you been? It's five-twenty." Bellarose says.

" Stupid teacher. Enough said."

" I'm sorry." Knight replies.

" You okay?" Hayden asks.

" Yeah, why?"

" You're trembling."

I look down to see I'm shaking like a chihuahua.

" Yeah, I'm good." I say reassuring him.

Hayden nods and Bellarose starts talking.

" Today you'll be meeting with Caitlyn."

" Cool. Where can I find her?"

" She doesn't come to the commons." Knight says.

" Why?"

" Anoerxic."

" Oh, then I guess I'll go find her." I reply.

" Wait, would you like something to eat?" Hayden asks.

" No thank you. I'm not hungry right now."

Once I say that I make my way to Caitlyn's room. I find her room easily because her room is the only room with the door closed. I knock on the door and she opens it immediately.

" You're Evelyn?" she questions.

" Y-yeah."

Next thing you know she's dragging me into her room.

" Thank goodness you're here. I was starting to think you wouldn't come."

" You and me both. Stupid teachers."

" Yeah, they can be so clueless." she laughs.

" So, let's get started, shall we?"

" Sure."

While I get my things out Caitlyn goes on to tell me her story.

Friday August 14, 2015,

Caitlyn is an anorexic. It's so sad-her story. Why do people have to be so mean? A bunch of girls ruined a beautiful girl's life because of how they saw beauty. " Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes." Caitlyn tells me. " I only wish I knew that when I was younger." Even though Caitlyn suffers from Anorexia Nervosa, she doesn't let it get the best of her. She loves to read and paint. Caitlyn has shown me some of her works and they are just beautiful. I wish weren't so mean to others.

" Evelyn tell me about yourself. Do you like to paint or read?"

" Um, I like to bake."

" Really?"

" Y-yeah."

" Could you do be two favors?" Caitlyn asks me.

" S-sure."

" Bring me a book called 'The Perks of Being A Wallflower' and make me a key lime pie?"

" A k-key lime p-pie?" I struggle to get out.

" Please, it's one of my favorite desserts."

" Of course. I'll make it tonight and bring you tomorrow."

" Oh my goodness! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she says excitedly.

" No problem. I hope you like it."

" I know I will."

I look at my phone and see it's eight-fifteen.

" I should get going. I have a lot of homework."

" Okay. You'll come see me tomorrow, yes?"

" Absolutely."

" Great! Goodbye Evelyn."

" Goodbye Caitlyn." I say before exiting out of her room.

I start my way to the front desk to check out when Hayden sneaks up behind me.

" BOO!" he shouts.

" Ah! Hayden! Why'd you do that?"

" I don't know. For fun, I guess."

" Okay."

" Hey, you sure you're okay?" he asks me.

" Yup. I just need to get some sleep."

" Evelyn, about yesterday, what you told me."

" Yeah?"

" Are you having trouble sleeping?"

" A lit-look, Hayden, I need you to forget what I told you. I'll be okay." I tell him.

" Eve-"

" Forget it. Don't bring it up again."

" Okay."

" Goodnight Hayden."

" Goodnight Evelyn." he says.

I make my way to the front desk and check out. As I start my way down the stairs, I hear someone call Hayden's name. I turn around to see him being held back by two nurses.

" Evelyn, I just need you to know one thing."

" Hayden, what are you doing?" I ask.

" Telling you something. Kill it before it kills you."

I nod and he gets the nurses to let him go. Hayden walks up to me and puts one hand on my cheek.

" You're too beautiful to let depression destroy you."

" I-Hayden-"

" Shh. Go home and take a nice warm bath." he replies before kissing me on the cheek.

He then turns around and walks back inside. One of the nurses says to me:

" Don't get too close baby girl. You'll get hurt."

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