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PTSD stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder which is a condition that can develop following a traumatic event. The event can serve lasting and frightening thoughts or memories and victims tend to be emotionally numb.

Psychological symptoms- flashbacks, fear, severe anxiety, and mistrust

Mood symptoms- loss of interest, guilt, loneliness, insomnia/nightmares, emotional attachment, and unwanted thoughts. (Mayo Clinic)

18.1% of adults experience anxiety disorder such as PTSD, OCD, and specific phobias


Hi. I'm Gemini, I suffer from PTSD which stands for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. There are two events that have lead me to having PTSD and both were very traumatic. However, I'm only going to tell one story.

The first event happened when I fourteen. It was during the summer and I was out with some friends of mine. We all went into town to get some drinks and snacks. All of us entered into the corner store on fifth street. For a couple of fourteen years old we knew we had all been raised in a old, small town. Anyways, all of my friends and I has split up to get everything we came for. Right as I grabbed the moon pies, in came three gentlemen. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary until one of the men came up behind me and held me with a knife to my throat. He kept telling me if I said anything or tried to get away he'd kill me. The two other men grabbed two friends of mine and the three of them used us to get the manager to give them money. However, after the manager gave them the money, the man who had me captive didn't let me go once getting the money. I almost lost my life that summer.

No one understand how scary that was. The other two girls who were held against their will like I was committed suicide before their sixteenth birthday. I never once thought about taking my life before all of this happened and ever since that happened I think about it everyday. The constant nightmares and certain triggers push me into actually doing it. My family couldn't handle me after than day and the other two families told my parents that it would be best to put me someplace where I could get help. I feel like the town thought it was my fault for the deaths of two beautiful girls and they didn't want me to get anyone else killed. It's not my fault that what happened happened. If I could go back in time I would.   

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