Hospitals and Confessions:

17 1 0


I open my eyes and see Hayden, Knight, Caitlyn, and Flynn. I have no clue of my whereabouts and every part of my body aches.

" Where am I?"

" Evelyn! You're awake." Knight exclaims.

" We didn't think you'd pull through." Caitlyn says.

" How are you feeling?" Flynn questions.

" I hurt all over. Where am I?"

" I'll get a doctor." Knight says.

" Evelyn, what's the last thing you remember?" Hayden asks me.

" Bellarose on top of me. Hayden, please tell me where I am."

" At Briarcliff Manor hospital."

" No, no, no, no. I need to get out of here." I say taking all the gadgets off of me.

" Miss Lavender, I don't suggest you do that." a doctor tells me.

" You don't understand I have to get out of here."

" Ma'am, you need to stay calm or I will have to restrain you."

" I'm going to be sick." I announce.

" Okay, let's get you to the bathroom."

A nurse helps me to the restroom and I do end up throwing up. The same nurse helps me back to the bed and then leaves.

 " Evelyn, as much as I would love to stay I have to get going." Caitlyn tells me.

" Oh o-okay."

" I should go check on Bella. She's pretty upset about everything." Knight says.

 " O-oh. G-give her a h-hug for m-me."

" I'm going to go as well. I have a meeting." Flynn says.

" O-okay. Hayden, p-please don't l-leave me." I sob. 

" I don't want to be alone."

He gets up and gets in the bed with me.

 " Shh. I'm not going anywhere beautiful."

I lay there in Hayden's arms and try to think back to what happened. I think Hayden's arms are very comfortable because I end up falling asleep.


 " Evelyn, wake up." a voice says. I open my eyes to see Hayden sitting on my bed.

" Wakey wakey sleeping beauty. You need to wake up at some point."

" I hurt even worse."

" Okay, I'll go get a nurse." he says.

Hayden goes and gets a nurse. A few minutes later he returns with a nurse and she gives me some painkillers. Once she leaves I look at Hayden.

 " How bad is it."

 " Not that bad. You're still beautiful."

" Stop. Could you give me a mirror?"

 " Here ya go."

I look and see my face, neck, and chest are bruised, cut, and swollen. 

 " Not that bad, huh?"

" It's not. Do you remember what happened?"

 " Not really. Do you?" I ask.

 " No. No one said anything to any one of us."

" How's Bellarose doing?"

" She upset. Once you blacked out, she came back to her own mind. Bella cried and cried. She hit the walls, tore her room up, and almost overdosed on her medication." Hayden tells me.

 " It's my fault. I should have left when she asked me to. If I did what she asked me to I wouldn't be here and she-"

" Eve, calm down. There's a lot more bothering you."

" No."

 " Yes. I know you're about to go on a rant. Let me sit more comfortably. Okay, go."

" I like you too, but I don't know if we can be together because I'm a fucking mess and when I get nervous I scratch at my arm until it bleeds and I hate myself and I hurt myself on purpose." I say all at once.

Hayden looks shocked. He takes my hands in his.

" We are all a mess in our own ways."

 " I'm really a mess though."

" Trust me so I am."

" I told Flynn not to tell you about my arm scratching."

 " I know. He told me anyways."

 " It's okay Evelyn. We all have a story we don't want others to read."

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