My War and Evil Numbers:

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I am finally out of the hospital after being in for two weeks. Hayden came by everyday no matter what was going on. Caitlyn came by along with Flynn and Knight. One day Bella came to see me. She is so glad I am okay. I feel bad for her because she has to deal with the fact that she hurt her friend. I know she didn't know, but I just know she'll never forgive herself for as long as she lives. I finally got to go to school today and everyone didn't notice. Not even my teachers! Like come on. I've been gone for two weeks and no one noticed. My parents act as if I've not been in the hospital, but they stay so busy with work they wouldn't know if I were there or not. Today I get to go back to the Manor. It will be so good to get back in routine.

" Hi there Miss Lavender. It's so good to see you back." Stella tells me.

" It's so good to be back."

" Did they give you anything medication wise? I need to put it in the record."

" Nope."

" Gotcha."

I finish signing in and head to Knight's room. When I arrive to his room, he's there with Flynn and Hayden.

" Hey guys!"

" Evelyn! You came back?" Flynn asks.

" Yeah, w-why?"

" If I were you and that happened to me, I don't know if I'd come back."

" Well, that's the difference between me and you." I laugh.

" Evelyn, are you positive you want to be here?" Knight questions.


" Okay, calm down."

" Who am I seeing today?"

" Milo. Hayden why don't you take her?" Knight says.

" You got it."

Hayden assists me to Milo's room. On the way he holds my hand and it feels normal.

" Evelyn, um, do you, are you okay?" he somewhat gets out.

" Yes. Thank you for asking."

I pull my left sleeve somewhat up and scratch my arm. It's burning a little, but it doesn't bother me too much. Hayden pulls my hand away and looks me dead in the eyes.

" You will stop this." he says firmly.

" Okay."

" I mean it Evelyn. You can't keep doing this to yourself."

" It's not like I can help it."

" I know, but you need to recognize when you do and stop yourself."

" Okay."

" Let me see." he demands.

" What?"

" You heard me. Let me see."

Hayden pulls my sleeves back to expose my scratched and cut up raw arms.

" Baby, you are so beautiful. Please p-promise m-m-me you'll s-stop." he says in tears.

" I promise to my ability."

Hayden wipes his tears away and takes me to Milo's room. Milo is very organized and clean. He has me sit in a specific place and I get my journal out.

" You're Evelyn, correct?"

" Correct." I reply.

" You are the girl who got attacked."

" Y-yeah."

" We've never had someone attacked like that."

" There's a first for everything."

" I guess so." he says getting up and touching things around his room. " You know the day it happened was the eighteenth."

" I guess it was."

" See, eighteen is a very evil number."

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Milo has OCD which is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He can't seem to tell me much about his story because he's preoccupied with touching everything in his room and telling me about how evil the number eighteen is along with a few other numbers. Every time I get him back on course he goes off on a rant or goes on about the number eighteen. OCD is a very bad disorder for some that can interfere with ones' daily activities. I don't know how long Milo has had OCD, but I do know that he'll probably have it the rest of his life.

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