Tramas, A Breakdown, and A Start of A Friendship:

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Yesterday evening has me questioning everything. Nothing concerning Hayden though. I don't know why, but everything has been horrible-for me that is. No sleep and anxiety through the roof. I did what Hayden suggested and took a nice long warm bath. It calmed my nerves down a bit. I also got Caitlyn's book she asked for and made the pie. Today I'm going to Briarcliff Manor early because Ms. Lamb wants to speak to me. I hope it doesn't have anything to do with me being late.

" Evelyn, your father and I are going into town this morning. Would you like for us to drop you off at Briarcliff?" my mother asks.

" Sure."

" Okay great! Be ready in five."

" Yes, ma'am."

I quickly get dress and grab my school bag. Since it's Saturday I decide to wear tights with a long sleeved shirt. I grab my phone off the charger and head downstairs. Once downstairs, I grab the book off of the counter and the pie of out the fridge.

" Ready?" my father asks.

" Yup."

We all pile in the car and head out. I sit in the backseat and listen to my parent's conversation. They're talking about work like always. The topic of myself comes up and my father starts questioning me.

" How do you get home every night Evelyn?"

" I walk."

" We give you an allowance for a reason. Why aren't you taking the bus?" he says in a meanful, serious tone.

" No bus runs near Briarcliff."

" Sure Evelyn."

" How's the project going?" my mother asks changing the subject.

" Well. Thanks for dropping me off. See ya."

I quickly get out and run up the steps. When I get to the top I see Hayden and Knight standing outside.

" Hi."

" Evelyn! What's up?" Knight asks.

" Nothing much. Who am I meeting today?"

" Gemini."

" Okay."

" I gotta go. See ya." he replies.

Knight runs inside, leaving Hayden and I to ourselves.

" Ms. Lamb wants to speak to you." he finally says.

" I know she called this morning."

" You know what it's about?"

" Nope." I reply.

" The nurses told her about what happened last night. She's already told me not to rush out like I did."

" What is she going to tell me?" I ask in fear.

" Dunno. Is that pie?"

" Don't touch! It's not for you."

" You mean after that magical kiss I gave you last night this pie isn't for me." he says jokingly.

" Yes, so magical. It's for Caitlyn. I should go give it to her before seeing Ms. Lamb."

" Yeah. Hey, after you're done with Ms. Lamb and Gemini come find me. We need to talk."

" Sure, okay." I say.

Hayden opens the door for me and we walk inside. I sign in and go to Caitlyn's room.

" Knock knock." I say going into the room.

" Eve! You're here!"

" I am. Here's your pie and book."

" YAY!" she yells.

" I hope you enjoy."

" Will you stay and have some with me?"

" I have to go speak with Ms. Lamb, but save me a slice." I respond.

" Okay, I will."

" Caitlyn."

" Yes?"

" Try not to throw it up. If you do, it's okay, but know you are beautiful."

" Thank you." she says in happy tears.

I hug her and head on.


The meeting with Ms. Lamb was nothing. She advised me to keep calm in certain events if they happened and to never make promises I couldn't keep. She then sent me on my way. I asked on the nurses to help me find Gemini's room and they happily showed me the way.

" It might be a little hard for me to tell you my story."

" Take your time. I have all day." I tell her.

" Okay. Thank you."

Saturday August 15, 2015

Post-traumatic stress disorder is no joke. Gemini has been through two major events in her life that will keep her on edge the rest of her life. She's been held hostage with a knife to her neck and almost killed at the age of fourteen and then witnessed a guy rape and kill a woman. Gemini couldn't do anything to help herself or the woman who was killed. She told me she is always anxious and stressed about things. While I am sitting in her room, she is shaking really badly. I asked her if she was okay and she responded with, " I'm sorry. I am not good with new people." She probably thought I was going to attack her or something.

All the sudden Gemini starts screaming and crying. I try to calm her down, but she accidentally kicks me in the stomach. The nurses come in and restrain her. One of the nurses grabs my things while another nurse helps me out of the room.

" Where does it hurt?"

" Nowhere. I just got hit in the gut very hard." I reply.

" Are you sure? We might need to take you to the hospital and get you checked out."

" I'm fine. Thank you though."

I grab my things and head to Hayden's room. Thank goodness he's there.

" Hey beautiful. Are you okay?"

" Gemini had a breakdown and I got kicked in the gut." I tell him as I hold my stomach.

" Here lay down."

Hayden takes my bag and lays me down on his bed.

" If you start feeling worse, I'll get a nurse."

" I'm good. What do you wanna talk about?"

" Evelyn, do you think I could talk to you." he says.

" Sure."

" You don't have to say anything. I just need someone to listen to me without making any comments."

" I am all ears."

" Great."

Hayden starts talking about stuff and I lay down while listening. He has the most intelligent conversations and he's pretty cute too.

" Evelyn, tell me things about yourself. I want to know you better."

" Okay."

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