Chapter 40

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(Meadow's POV)

"Dolan, it's nice of you to join us five minutes into the class," I instantly drop my head at the sound of Ms. McCarthy mentioning his name.

"Sorry, Ms. McCarthy," I heard him sigh as he spoke, and the rasp in his voice made me want to shrink further into my seat.

"Whatever, Grayson, just don't let it happen again," I hear him shuffle as his feet squeak across the tiled floors.

His white vans come into view as he pushes the chair beside mine out from under the lab desk, and I squirm in my seat as he plops down beside me. I jump when he turns to the side, dropping his books on the ground with a large thud. The room silences for a moment as Grayson awkwardly clears his throat, mumbling a small apology as he shrinks further down in his seat.

"Anyways," Ms. McCarthy begins after giving Grayson a look. "Today, we are going to be doing an experiment on..."

Me. McCarthy loses my attention as I tense in my seat, and I push myself into the corner of the desk, as far as possible. I attempt to recollect my attention, but I struggle to focus when the teenager beside me drills holes into my skull with his eyeballs.

My breathing staggers as my heart begins to pound in my chest, and I quickly screw my eyes shut in attempt to contain myself. For the past two weeks, I have officially been dreading third block science with all of my soul.

I tried my hardest to overall ignore Grayson, but it was extremely difficult to do so when he sat right beside me in one of my classes... and the fact that he was in most of my classes to begin with.

But I couldn't look at him.

Every second I had thought of going up to him and trying to confess, my feet had frozen in order to help my mind think clearly. I couldn't talk to him. I didn't want to see the fiery anger alive in his eyes as he would stare at me with so much hate. Then I'd imagine him scrunching his face up in disgust, like I had suddenly become dirt on his shoe.

But, in all honesty, I wouldn't actually know if that was the case, specifically because I had been avoiding any contact with the boy for days. I could barely stay in the same hallway as him, even if it had only been for a couple of seconds and he was hundreds of feet away.

It hurt to think that he portrayed me as though I betrayed him. For him to not understand or acknowledge the intentions that I had for my actions, and it was a heart-wrenching pain that felt like a knife to my gut, simply twirling it around like spaghetti.

"Alright class," Ms. McCarthy's clapping of her hands together took me from my trance and I blinked my eyes several times, in order to shake off my distractions. "One of you may head to your stations, and the other should come up and collect your materials from up front. You guys have the remainder of the period to complete this."

I feel Grayson's eyes on me, but I ignore it as I shuffle out of my chair and rush to the front of the classroom, after mumbling a quiet, "I'll get the stuff."

I eye what everyone else takes off of the table, and do the same, not completely sure of what I should be grabbing. I unwillingly drag my feet across the tile to the back of the room, where Grayson waits, facing the counter.

I drop everything in my arms on the countertop, before quietly fumbling with everything, picking up a cylindrical tube.

"I'm sorry."

My eyes bulge out of their sockets as my neck snaps up to meet the voice that speaks. My eyes come in contact with their beholder, and my eyes widen even more, if possible, along with me almost chocking on air.

"W-What?" Good job, Meadow. You deserve a cookie.

"I should have known," Grayson begins his elaboration and he turns to stare at the black counter, his arms pressed against it to hold himself up. "I've known you, Meadow, for years, and even if we were always arguing, I should've known that you aren't capable of doing something so evil to someone.

"You are the kindest, sweetest, and most beautiful girl from inside and out, but my stupid emotions made me too blind to see what was right in front of me. For that, I am sorry." His eyes glance up and look straight into mine, causing heat to course throughout my body.

"I uh-um..." He laughs at my response, and I can't help but smile at his loud laugh. I clear my throat and attempt to speak once again.

"I'm sorry-"

"No," Grayson cuts me off before I finish my words, passing me a look as if he's daring me to actually continue. "No. No, you don't need to apologize."


"No," Grayson sends me a small smile before his eyes wander over to the other side of the room before widening. "Crazy Cat Lady is coming over here... right now."

We both shift our bodies to block her view from the counter, and I awkwardly cough as our shoulders come in contact. "We should probably work on the assignment now."

"Yeah," Grayson breathes heavily before passing me a smile. "But uh, do you know what we're supposed to be doing?"

Being as distracted as I was, it takes little time for me to plan my response.



Grayson grabs ahold of my hand, lacing his fingers through mine. I look up to him and he gives me a boyish-grin in return. I smile back at him, the butterflies in my stomach fluttering at a rapid pace.

"Oh wait, I have to grab something," I steer Grayson and myself away from the cafeteria's direction, before heading to my locker.

I anxiously turn the dial of my locker and unlock it. I shuffle my belongings around in order to retrieve the piece of clothing from my locker. I grab it by its shoulders and hold it up against me before turning to face Grayson.

He raises an eyebrow, but smiles nonetheless as I put the sweatshirt on. When my head peeps through the neck hole, I look up to Grayson staring back at me with twinkling greenish brown eyes, and I suddenly feel an urge.

Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around his neck and step forward towards him. His eyes never leave mine as I press my lips against his, in which he acts quickly in return. He snakes his arm around to the small of my back, his other hand reaching up to my cheek.

I smile into the kiss, and he does the same as I draw him closer. Fireworks course through my veins as I keep my eyes screwed shut in an attempt to remember the feeling of my first kiss.

When we pull away, Grayson opens his eyes and smiles, which soon turns to a smirk. "I never labeled you as a girl with initiative... not that I'm complaining."

I wack his arm playfully and laugh before pulling him into a hug, which he happily accepts.

"By the way..."


"You are never getting your sweatshirt back."


Sweatshirt- A Grayson Dolan FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora