Chapter 12

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(Meadow's POV)

     I felt a punch being thrown in my gut and I shut my eyes instantly. "Why aren't you going to fight back???" Dallas spat in my face. I was on the ground with Dallas on top of me.

I kneed her in the stomach to get her off of me and yelled,"Because one, I said I'm not going to fight you, and two, your punching doesn't hurt!!!"

She got up from the ground and punched me in the nose, instantly feeling a liquid substance running down my face. Blood. She shoved me to the ground again and straddled me, continuously throwing punches at my stomach and yanking my hair ever so often.

I laid there laughing as I heard yelling and screaming in the background. I heard vigorous splashing and footsteps running towards us. I squinted my eyes so that they were almost shut to keep Dallas's long brown hair out of them. Faces shaped like Ethan and Max appeared behind Dallas, their long arms stretched out grabbing her, pulling her away from me as I felt a pair of arms reach from with under me and pull me out of her grasp.

The next thing I know, I'm being bridal carried into the twins' house and up the stairs, down the hallway towards the bathroom. I'm sat on the toilet and a tall figure stands in front of me, facing away from me, fumbling through the cabinet above the sink. They turn around with a first aid kit in their hands and kneeled down to be in eye level with me.

"Are you ok?" They ask with a deep, raspy voice, carefully lifting my chin up with their hand, revealing their chiseled face and hazel eyes filled with concern. I lifted the hand that wasn't covered in blood and rubbed my eyes to awaken myself.

When I removed my hand and opened my eyes, a worried Grayson sat on his knees on the bathroom floor, in between my legs, wrapping his arms around my waist. I said nothing and we sat there for a couple of minutes, staring at each other, Grayson looking at me trying to figure out what was wrong.

     All of a sudden, Grayson pulled me down from the toilet and sat me on his lap. He kept his left arm around me and opened the first aid kit with his right. He reached up, grabbing wipes and tissues from the bathroom counter and gently wiped my face with them, cleaning off the dried up blood.

     I sat there watching his every move. My eyes shifted to his face, watching him working in concentration, his tongue slightly sticking out of his mouth. When he finished cleaning my face, he looked up at me, meeting my eyes and said,"do you want to change your clothes?"

(Grayson's POV)

     She looked down at her bathing suit and looked back into my eyes and nodded. I helped her up and then got up myself. I took her hand and we quietly walked to my room we're I sat her on my bed. I knew Cameron wouldn't mind so I walked to her room and found a pair of shorts, underwear, and a bra for Meadow. I walked back into my room and gave her Cameron's things before walking over to my dresser and pulling out a big t-shirt for her to wear.

After giving her the shirt she looked through everything, stopping at the bra and scrunched up her face. I laughed as she glared and threw it at me, square in the face.

"Your aim isn't bad," I said, watching her give me a small smile and look down at her fingers, her cheeks turning a light red color.

When she looked back up, her big, brown eyes met mine and she whispered, "Can I wear one of your sweatshirts?" I smiled at how cute she was and nodded.

      I walked to my closet and rummaged through the hangers finding a maroon colored sweatshirt. I threw it at her and she caught it, giving me a small giggle. She gathered her things and walked out the room, probably going to the bathroom to change. I went through my dresser and found a pair of socks that she could wear and left my room, shutting the door behind me.

I was walking down the hallway towards the stairs and was about to go down when I heard yelling. "YOU CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS, DALLAS!"


"OH MY GOD, WE'RE JUST FRIENDS!! THAT'S ALL WE'LL EVER BE!!!" He yelled back sighing. "I can't even deal with you right now. Just leave." I heard stomping and the front door slammed.

I was going to walk down when I felt something tap my shoulder. I jumped and spun around, seeing Meadow playing with her fingers looking at me, giving me a toothless smile. I noticed that she had but her hair in a high messy bun on top of her head. I smiled back at her and grabbed her hand, intertwining our fingers and leading her downstairs. When we got to the living room, no one was there so I figured Ethan went back outside. Before going to the back yard I grabbed the off white blanket off the couch and went out back.

Since it technically was still wintertime, it got dark outside early and I noticed the guys had started a fire. They all huddled around it, laughing and telling old stories to each other. I sat down on the grass next to Cameron (Dallas) and Meadow sat down next to me. She sat in between Max and I and I saw him pass her a s'more out the corner of my eye.

When she began eating it, I wrapped the blanket around her and she looked at me and smiled. The both of us sat there listening to everyone tell stories and I heard Meadow giggle every once in a while.

A couple of minutes later, I felt pressure on my right shoulder, and found Meadow leaning against me, breathing heavily. She was sleeping. I readjusted her and myself so that her head was on my lap and I played with the curls that fell out of her bun and framed her face. I smiled at the view of her face glowing from the fire light and thought to myself, the perfect way to end a not so perfect birthday.

1092 words A/N Ayeeeeeee Chapter 12!!!! How was it??? Anyways, thank you for 60 views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I honestly thought I wouldn't get so far but I did so I thank you. Not to mention 15 favorites?!?!?!?? You guys are crazy AWESOME!!!!!!!

Sweatshirt- A Grayson Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now