Chapter 30

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(Meadow's POV)

"Meadow, get up!"

     I jerked forward, feeling a bang on my forehead, which followed by a groan from someone and myself. I propped myself up, rubbing my head with one hand, and my eyes with the other.

     I opened my eyes eventually, the blurry vision of my brother standing in front of me. I sighed, falling back onto my soft, marshmallow- like pillow. "What do you want, Max?"

"I needed to tell you that I'm going out with Ethan and Chris," he simply stated. That's all?

"You woke me up..." I paused. "Just to tell me that?"

"No," he replied. "I also wanted to inform you that there is a very important letter on the table for you...and you'll have a very eventful day," he said the last park quickly, speeding out of my room afterwards.

"MAX! Ugh, seriously!" I threw my hands up, scoffing at my annoying brother.

I swung my legs to the edge of my bed, hunching my back over in depression. The dream I had triggered my emotions a little, I think, and left me feeling confused, but also very upset over the fact that what happened wasn't actually true. Grayson is not going to ask me out.

     I shook off the thought, my mind remembering Max's words. Why would I have mail? It's a Saturday, and the mailman doesn't deliver on these days. Might as well investigate.

     I got up, going down the stairs at a normal pace, wanting to go back to bed, but too awake to do so. I entered the kitchen, glancing over the counter to where the day's mail usually sits, to find an empty spot of quartzite.

     Instead, I noticed a red sweatshirt neatly folded on the empty space. I walked over to it curiously, unfolding it to find a piece of paper flutter out of its folds. I bent over to pick it up from the floor, feeling the thin, folded piece of "tree" in my hands.

Eagerly, I unfolded it, revealing neat, printed, teenage-girl handwriting, which seemed extremely familiar.

Max wasn't lying when he said you're going to have an "eventful" day? Bring this sweatshirt with you, and uh...come visit the local skatepark. ;)

What? That didn't sound creepy at all... at the end of the note, there was an ugly smiley face drawn, which didn't seem to match up with the handwriting. Weird.

Curiousity took the best of me, and I decided to go ahead and check the skatepark out. I picked up the sweatshirt from where I placed it on the counter, running up the stairs to change afterwards.

I found a pair of jeans to wear, along with a graphic t-shirt that matched the sweatshirt. I decided to go basic, slipping on my converse, putting the hoodie on shortly afterwards. I rushed over to my nightstand, unplugging my phone, shoving it in my pocket while practically flying out of my room.

I was eager, I'll admit it. It's not everyday that you get the chance to go on a mysterious quest, which I'd prefer over any class at school. I would also have to be honest and say that I was in need of an adventure, longing to take Grayson off of his mind. He's probably at Dallas' house, helping her "study."

I shut the door, shaking the thought out of my head, inhaling the fresh air that guided me on my journey.


The walk to the park isn't far, and I knew the spot by heart because it was where Ethan, Max, Gray and I went to hang out in the summer when we were younger. It was special to us because the park wasn't very popular. It was like a space of our own.

Although I couldn't skate, I liked to hang out with the boys, and after I met Kendall she occasionally came along. When they became tired of skating, we'd play tag or hide and seek, sometimes making up our own games.

We were also very fond of making videos at the park. Funny skits, challenge videos, music videos, all of them. That's one of the reasons that the twins loved filming videos for YouTube.

When I reached the abandoned park, I took in the sight of colorfully-printed ramps and beams. When I was younger I used to fantasize over the graffiti words, I loved them. It created a scattered rainbow, and although no one comes to spray paint anymore, and many of the words are faded; no longer as vibrant, I loved it just the same. But something was different. Even if it was minuscule or not, I just knew.

I walked closer, finding an interesting sight. On the back of one of the ramps at the park, it was missing the bubble letters and block letters that the other courses included. Instead, there was pictures. Familiar pictures.

     I took a step closer, kneeling down to get a better view. The pictures contained one girl and one boy, occasionally a few other people as well. The main people looked similar in the photos, some of them in there younger or older state. My eyes ran over a black and white picture of the two asleep, but I came back to it shortly afterwards.

     My eyes observed the details of the photo, which had a similar look to the Dolans' household. I focused onto the boy and girl, cuddling into each other on a recliner sofa. My finger ran over the boy in interest but the realization hit me soon enough. These were pictures of me...and-and Grayson...

     I scooted closer, practically squinting to view each individual picture that stared back at me in return. I laughed at a few of the photos when we were little, like the time I poured a bowl of spaghetti on Gray's head when we were seven after he cheated in hide-and-go-seek, or the time we were outside playing man-hunt and he pushed me in the pool. We were nine back then.

      I then found more recent photos of the two of us. Some were of Gray and I bothering each other at school, which I didn't even know existed. There were some from the twins' party, too. Some were of us playing with water balloons, and there was another of us sitting next to each other by the fire. There was also, a photo of me at the football game as I cuddled into Gray's sweatshirt.

      When I finished looking, my attention turned to an envelope laying at my feet, which was labeled Meadow on the front. I opened it curiously, wanting to read what was inside. I took out the neatly folded paper, opening the clean white sheet, beginning to read it instantly.

     I'm going to try. I don't know how to say this, and I've decided to tell you in person. I was at a point in life where I didn't want to believe my feelings, because we never felt such a positive way for each other. But I'm tired of holding back my feelings, and I hope you are as well. Please turn around so I can explain my affection towards you.


Sweatshirt- A Grayson Dolan FanficWhere stories live. Discover now