Chapter 2

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(Meadow's POV)

"What are you doing here?" I glare at Grayson, squinting at him as I cross my arms over my chest. I sigh dramatically, shutting my eyes for a moment. I then proceed to take a deep breath, open my eyes, and send him a sickly sweet smile. The corners of Grayson's lips turn down and he scrunches his face together before rolling his eyes. He gives me an unimpressed look, and I find myself staring at him, trying to ensure that he can feel the pain of the lasers shooting through my eyes, hitting his square in his forehead. Grayson only stares back in return, and it feels as though minutes have passed before Grayson gives up, rolling his eyes once again. During our staring contest, Grayson had propped himself up against our front door, so he proceeded to remove himself before walking straight past me. I whip around, shutting the door as I go, and I make sure to stick my tongue out at Grayson, though his back is turned. Ha, I won. Loser. 

"I'm here to give Max his homework," he holds up a manila folder and looks at me with a duh expression. I scoff in response, and brush past him, making sure to ram my shoulder into his as I walk by. 

"Great," I huff, trampling up the stairs with expressed annoyance. I shuffle into Max's room, Grayson only a few steps away. He stays close behind, and steps on the back of my heel a few times before I whip around and shove him down the hallway. However, he doesn't go very far due to his good balance and my weak arms, but he still stumbles a little, so I hold my head up with pride. 

Max and I are juniors in high school, of course along with Ethan and Grayson. Max is also a member of our inner circle, and he's been extremely close with the twins, even before they started YouTube. Max is on the football team with the twins so our families also get along with each other quite well. In other words, that meant always being dumped off at the Dolan residence whenever my parents needed someone to watch us. It was torture to be forced to spend more time with Grayson than I already had to, but the twin's older sister, Cameron, made my visits more bearable. We share a mischievous annoyance for her younger brothers. My parents still tend to drop us off there every once in a while, even though I'll be 17 in January.

"That's messed up, Max," I glare at him, putting my hands on my hips, while standing in the doorframe. I shake my head and curl my lips into a snarl. 

"What do you mean?"

"Why wouldn't you just let me bring you your homework? But of all people you let him," I say harshly. My face contorts in disgust, and I push my thumb into Grayson's chest as I refer to him. I scoff and leave, fleeing towards my room to be in peace. Even though I was being petty, I was annoyed that my brother was lacking in common sense. I'm grateful that it was simply less work for me, but Grayson's appearance completely ruined my good mood. As I walk out I heard Grayson say, "don't worry, bro. She's probably on her period or something."

(Max's POV)

"Don't worry, bro. She's probably on her period or something," I hear Gray reassure me, his shoulders shrugging off her outburst. I nod, but I don't respond. I know it's not that time of the month. Meadow isn't supposed to get her period for another two weeks. 

I don't mean to be rude or overprotective of Meadow, I just know that she's very fragile. It has been extremely hard to let her go to school on her own these past few days, not knowing how people are talking to her or if they're bothering her. I know she's not a little kid, but I can't help but feel responsible for her physical and mental safety. I want to set a good example of what an older brother should be, and it would absolutely crush me to disappoint her. I don't want anyone to hurt her. It hurts me knowing that I can't protect her while I'm laying here in my bed, sick out of my mind. So I asked Gray to watch out for her. Keep an eye out for her just in case anything happens. I know that they don't get along very well, but he is one of the only people I actually trust. Grayson is literally one of my best friends. 

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