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I wanted to start out by thanking you guys for your encouragement. I am one of those writers who tends to begin writing a story before a new idea comes along and I end up losing interest. I knew I wanted to finish this story, but as time went along I lost any longing in doing so, but I'm proud of myself for doing so anyways.

I don't know what the plan will be in the future. I'd like to try and go back to finish my other story "Opposites Attract" but I have a few other (non-dolan twin related) ideas that I'd like to get into. Honestly, I don't know where I'd be with this story without you guys and your encouragement, not to mention your PATIENCE, and I love you guys for all of this.❤️

Have a beautiful day and smile, because you are amazing!

Sweatshirt- A Grayson Dolan FanficNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ