Chapter 7

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(Meadow's POV)

      "Can I please have a mocha frappuccino, light ice, extra whip cream... "(A/N I don't drink Starbucks much so I just made something up)

I reached down and grabbed my wallet, pulling out some cash. Before I could hand it to the lady, Grayson gave his card to her and she swiped it. I glanced up at his and glared, leaving my mouth wide open.

"Thanks," I said half-heartedly. We both walked over to where you pick up your drinks and I told him," I'm one hundred percent capable of buying my own things." When they called our names we grabbed our drinks and sat at a table.

"Trust me, I appreciate it," I reassure him."It's just, you and I don't get along well, and we aren't a I-I... I just thought it would be awkward considering the fact that we aren't even friends, none the less acquaintances..."

(Grayson's POV)

     She looked down at her drink, fumbling with the straw, and began to pretend to examine her drink. Her cheeks turned a dark shade of pink, considering the fact they were already a rosy pink color from outside. I just nodded and hummed back at her, not knowing how to answer her question. We never got along. We aren't even friendly enough with each other to call ourselves acquaintances. "Um, can I get your autograph?"

     I looked up to see a pretty girl with blue eyes looking at me hopefully. I smiled and nodded, saying,"Of course!" She gave me a napkin and a pen and I signed my name. I gave it back to her smiling and she was smiling back at me from ear to ear. I saw her glance at Meadow and she looked back at me. "Are you guys dating?" 

I heard a coughing sound and looked over and saw Meadow had almost chocked on her drink from hearing her words. I just chuckled and told her," no, we're just friends. By the way, what is your name?" I felt bad about referring to her as "the girl" and wanted to call her by her real name.

"Sarah," she replied, clearly excited that I asked.

"Well, it was nice to meet you, Sarah," I said cheekily.

She smiled and instead of saying goodbye she smirked and said," You too. By the way, you guys would make a cute couple." She turned on her heel and left us staring at her with our mouths wide open.

     I looked at Meadow, and at the same time she glanced at me. When our eyes met, her eyes fell back down to her drink and I began looking anywhere but back into her beautiful brown eyes.


"Uh...thanks, Gray," she said scratching the back of her neck. We were both standing outside of Starbucks, about to go our separate ways. When she said Gray, my heart melted a little inside for some reason. I mean, she's never called me that before.

"No problem," I responded scuffing my shoes on the pavement. Things couldn't be more awkward. I glanced up at Meadow and she did the same, and it seemed like we were standing there for a few hours, just staring at each other. After awhile, I cleared my throat and Meadow averted her eyes from mine.

"Well, I'll see you at school tomorrow," she said readjusting the shoulders straps to her backpack. "Um...bye..."

"Uh-bye," I responded before I watched her for a few seconds as she began walking down the sidewalk in the opposite direction from me.

(Meadow's POV)

When I got home, I walked in and heard laughing and the TV blaring. I walked down the hallway and stood in the doorway of the living room, seeing Kendall and my brother cuddling on the couch in front of the TV. I smiled to myself and quietly walked back down the hallway and up the stairs to my room.

As soon as I got up there, I changed into some running shorts and a tank top. I put on Grayson's sweatshirt and instantly became happy, his sweatshirt still having traces of his cologne on it. I crawled in bed and turned of the light, falling asleep at the thought of the one and only Grayson Dolan...

741 words. A/N That was Chapter 7!!! Did you guys like it? Look forward to a couple of updates this weekend!!! See you guys next time!!!

Sweatshirt- A Grayson Dolan FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora