Chapter 8

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(Meadow's POV)

My eyes flickered open to see a face peacefully sleeping in front of me

"Ahhhhhh!!" I fell off the bed and freaked out.

"Wha-what's going on..." The person mumbled,opening their eyelids to reveal bright blue eyes. Kendall.

"What are you doing here?" I asked picking myself up off the ground.

"Well it was late and Max didn't want me walking alone by myself."

I nodded my head in agreement and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and get ready for school.

When I came out, I went to my closet to pick out what to wear. I picked out a tan sweater, a pair of boyfriend jeans, and my infinity scarf.

Kendall came out the bathroom and I told her she could just borrow some of my clothes. I grabbed my earrings off of the earring tree on my dresser and walked back into the bathroom. I put my curly hair up into a loose messy bun and applied some mascara and lip balm to my face. Light makeup. Just the way I like it.

I walked out to see Kendall on her phone, dressed and ready to go. I put on my ankle socks and tied up my Timberlands grabbing my phone, backpack, and coat on the way out.


Kendall and I were walking to the bus stop and saw Max waiting for us. She ran up to him and gave him a hug, which he gladly accepted.

"Why didn't you walk with us?"

"You were both sleeping so peacefully and I didn't want to bother you," he shrugged. Just then the bus pulled up and the doors opened up.

It was just the three of us at the bus stop and I was the last one on. I shot a quick good morning to the bus driver and then walked down the aisle, watching my feet.when I glanced up the first thing I noticed was Grayson, who was watching me. I quickly looked away and slid into the seat in front of Kendall, which was a couple rows from the front

We were at the last bus stop before we got to school. Yes, the school is within walking distance, but I was way too lazy to walk this morning, and I could tell Kendall and Max weren't super energetic due to the all nighter they pulled. I pulled out my phone and just looked at my social media as I waited to arrive at our destination.

When we reached the school, I quickly walked down the aisle and stairs, murmuring a 'thank you' before almost speed-walking to the front doors. I don't know why I was running but when I heard someone call my name I knew exactly why.

"Meadow!" I stopped and turned to see Grayson running towards me with his hand in the air, signaling me to stop moving.

"Hey Grayson," I said as he came up to me and stopped in front of me.

"Hey," he responded and we began walking together into the building. "Do you want to turn in our project early?" He asked glancing at me.

"Sure, I mean why not," I agreed. "Not as much homework over vacation."

"True," he said. My locker was right by the front door, so when we reached it Grayson said," peace out Girl Scout," he tapped the top of my bun and walked off casually.Okk...


     When we finally reached the end of third period I gathered my things, looking at Grayson who glanced at me and nodded. When the class had cleared out, we both walked up to the front desk and I pulled the packet out my binder.

"What can I help you two with," Mrs. McCarthy said nonchalantly, not looking up from the paper she was grading.

"We finished your project," Grayson said triumphantly, as if we had just won gold in the Olympics.

She finally glanced up at us and held out my hand with the packet in it and Grayson did the same. She took mine from me and quickly skimmed through it. She then grabbed Grayson's and did the same.

"Well done," she sighed, not phased by the fact we finished two weeks early.

"Are you not surprised?" Grayson asked, reading my mind.

"No," she responded, readjusting her glasses." I knew Meadow would be a good example for you and I was right. I just wondered how you got Grayson to do work. Unless you did it all." She looked at me raising her eyebrows.

"No," I said calmly. "Grayson actually
volunteered to help."

"Hmmmm," she hummed, clearly thinking about something.

"Meadow," she began, looking up at me." How would you feel about being partners with Grayson for the rest of the year. I was thinking of doing year long partners for the rest of the school year and want to know how you felt."

     I looked up at Grayson, trying to figure out how he felt about the situation, but he had no expression on his face. Not sure about what he felt, but not wanting to hurt his feelings, I said,"Sure that sounds cool."

She wrote something on a sticky note on her desk and then said,"Good. Your next project starts after break. The two of you will be the first ones to present your project as well." I just nodded and told her to have a good break.

   I heard footsteps from behind and I knew Grayson was following me."So..."

"Are you coming to our birthday party tomorrow?" he scratched the back of his neck shyly.

"Well yeah," I said in a duh tone. "I've known you guys since I was seven." He just nodded.

"Anyways," I said." The project is finished." I clapped my hands together.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "Good thing I don't have to see you face over vacation."

"Hmmmmm," I frowned. I don't know why, but I hated him for saying that he didn't want to see me. I knew he was semi-joking, but for some reason it hurt. Usually his comments like these don't bother me, but does.

1017 words!!! Ayyyyyyyyee!!!! Chapter 8 is up!!!  Sorry for the filler chapter, I hate them too, but they build up to the good parts. I promise the good stuff is coming and I'm so happy because we are almost at 20 views!! Maybe we can hit it before I post chapter 9!!!

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