Chapter 9

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(Meadow's POV)

I finally got out of the lunch line twenty minutes later. Note to self, if you aren't the first ones in line, you get stuck waiting in the long line. Today they were!!! Not hot, beautiful, pepperoni pizza. But the cold cheese pizza made with artificial tomato sauce and the crust is filled with fake cheese that tastes like chemicals. Grayson was waiting for me after I paid and we both walked over to the table Max and Kendall were at, waiting for us.

We both sat down silently, not saying anything. I took the milk off my tray and shoved the pizza across the table after punching the straw into its place. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Max and Kendall exchanging looks as if they thought something was wrong. I noticed Kendall nodded, it was as if they were having a conversation with their eyes, without even talking.

"Uh, Meadow can I talk to you.." Kendall nudged me.

(Kendall's POV) *New pov!!*

I knew something was wrong. The second Grayson and Mead sat down, I knew something was going on with them. If they were their old selves they would come to the table arguing and bickering over worthlessness. Instead, they were dead silent.

I was walking to the doors right outside the cafeteria and Mead followed behind me. When we got outside the door I didn't play around.
"What's wrong?"


"What's wrong with you and Grayson?"

"Nothing..." I gasped in sudden realization, the truth becoming obvious to me.

"You like Gray," I whisper-yelled at her.

"No I don't." She avoided any contact from my eyes and said nothing else.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because I don't like him," she said through gritted teeth.

I surrendered and raised my hands in defeat. I knew not to mess with Meadow when she was like this. Moody. She's sensitive, and everyone knows it. She gets hurt easily. Physically and mentally. That's why Max is so overprotective of her, she just doesn't understand why.

"Ok," I say to her, ending our conversation. I glance through the glass door and see Max look at me and give me a thumbs up. Good, he talked to Grayson as well. We both walked back to the table and sat down next to each other.

Max looks at me and then turns to his sister
and says,"Are you going to eat that?" he was referring to her untouched pizza. She shook her head and pushed her tray towards him. He happily took the pizza and began munching. When he looked at me I glared at him and rolled my eyes. He was seriously thinking about pizza right now, really? Boys...

I looked over at Grayson and he was looking down, fumbling with his fingers. He was being awfully quiet. His food was untouched which was a surprise, considering the fact he would probably be the first one to have everything off his tray. He looked up and our eyes connected. He seemed...lost, confused, and mysterious. He was hiding something.


(Meadow's POV)

"Mom, we're home!!!"

My mom usually gets home early on Fridays. Both of our parents get the weekends off. It's nice to get to spend time with them every once in a while. "I'm in the kitchen, sweetie." I dropped my back off by the door and walked into the kitchen, and Max did the same.

"Hey guys," my mom was cutting celery on the counter.

"Hey, mom," Max responded grabbing a apple out of the bowl on the counter.

"How was school?" she asked looking up at us.

"Same old, same old," I shrugged. "Oh, and I need to go to Ethan and Grayson's house to help them set up for their party tomorrow, mom."

She just nodded and then turned to Max and said," Are you going too?"

"No,I have a date with Kendall." Her head shot in my direction and her eyes widened.


"Yup," I said, popping the p.

"Ugh, I knew it," mom exclaimed wiping her hands on a cloth and then ran to my brother and gave him a big, bear hug. "Meadow and I figured this day would come!!!"

"Wait," he groaned."MEAD, you told her!?!?!?!?"

I nodded my head and stood there giggling.

When my mom's inner fan girl left, she asked us,"did you get them birthday gifts yet?"

"Yeah," Max responded.

"Nooooo," I said, racing up the stairs to my room to get my wallet. When I retrieved it, I ran back downstairs and called out,"See y'all later," as I rushed out the door.


I decided it would be a good idea to go to the mall. I remembered there was a pair of red Vans that Ethan was eying. When I walked into the store, I went straight to where the shoes were and grabbed them. Yes, I knew Ethan's show size. Don't ask. Now the question was, what would Grayson want?I decided to roam the store to see if anything caught my eye or shouted out 'GRAYSON!'

"GRAYSON!" I whipped my head to see Jack Dail, Aaron Carpenter, and yes... Grayson, walking in. I don't know what came over me but I instantly hid...and spied on them. "What do you think about these," Aaron said,picking up a pair of blue Vans.

"They're alright," Jack responded.

"Oooo, check these out," I heard Grayson say. I popped out of my hiding spot so I could watch him walk over to a pair of white Vans on the wall.

"Grayson back at it again with the white vans," Jack joked.

"Hey I'm saving up for them bro," he lightly shoved him and laughed. They walked around a little more, joking and laughing until they finally left.

I came out of my hiding spot and practically ran over to the shoes Grayson was admiring. I quickly looked for his size and took the box and squealed in glee. Yeah, I knew his size, too. I walked over to the cash register and waited in line patiently, imagining their expressions when they open their new sneakers tomorrow.

1028 words!!!! A/N Chapter 9 Guys!!!!!!!! I know, I know, another filler chapter, I'm sorry. The chapter for their birthday party starts in the next part so be prepared!!!! What do you guys think Grayson is hiding??

Sweatshirt- A Grayson Dolan FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon