Chapter 20

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(Meadow's POV)


Believe me, I was thrilled. I just don't understand why. Did she cheat on him or something? Because then I might just waste my energy on her. For Ethan's sake, of course.

"Because I realized how much she has hurt all of you. Of course not just psychically, but emotionally,too. It made me think about how much she's hurt the people that I've loved since I was, like, seven years old." He took a break and sighed. He looked up from his hands and stared ahead. Not exactly sure what it was that he was looking so intensely at, but it didn't matter anyways.

I quickly leaned my head on his shoulder, placing the hand that was farthest away from him on his laced hands, rubbing the knuckle of his pointer finger with my thumb. He soon continued to speak. "I- I thought that I would be able to change her when we started...b-but a year and a half later she's the same cold-hearted girl..." I felt a drip of wetness on my forehead and I quickly removed myself from his shoulder to look up at his face.

There was a visible wet streak on his cheek, and a tear fell down next to it, creating another stream of pain and sadness.

I dug my head under his arms so that they were wrapped around me, and then wrapped mine around his torso. I placed my head back where it was, and I soon felt the pressure of his head on mine. He tightened his grip around my frame, and took a loooonnng breath.

We sat there for a couple minutes in silence, simply enjoying the company of one another. Memories came flooding into me, reminding me of when we were kids.


-11 years ago-

"Owwwww, Ethan!!!!"

Eth whipped his head around and once he saw me sprawled out on the ground he turned around and came running back.

"What happened?" He said, concern in his voice as he kneeled down next to me.

"I-I...I f-feeelll a-a-and I can't b-be-nd my leg!!!!" I screeched, attempting to roll myself around while still clutching onto my knee.

"Are you bleeding?" He looked back and forth from me to my knee frantically.

"I don't know. Do I?"

He cautiously glanced down at my knee and the look on his face said it all. "I'll be back." With that, he took off in the direction of the house. Where is he going?

I opened my mouth to scream at Ethan for leaving me here while I was dying, but I soon heard his high pitched voice yelling by the back door.


     There was faint thumping coming down the stairs and I soon found two figures running towards me.

"Sweetie, what happened?" I heard my mom's voice question, and soon enough she was leaning down over me, Ethan standing next to her. I said nothing and Eth quickly caught on, explaining to her what happened.

"Well can she walk?" My mom asked.

"I don't think so, ma'am." Ethan answered, his head slightly shaking from side to side.

     I quickly found a pair of hands being wrapped around me, and soon enough I was being carried into the kitchen.

     My mom sat me down on a chair in our dining room, and quickly left, coming back with a bucket filled with medical things. There was enough room on one chair for us to share, so Ethan sat down beside me, wrapping his right arms around my shoulders.

"This will help you, Mead, but it might sting...a lot," my mom mumbled the last part, quickly kneeling down in front of my knee, examining the damage.

     I soon felt something cold on my knee and I screeched. "It's just water," Ethan said quickly, comforting me. "She has to clean it."
The coldness felt good against my skin, and I signed in relief.

"Ok, M, be ready." My mom encouraged.

"ETHAN!!! I'm scared!!" I huffed out quickly, turning my head to look at him. He glanced back and then grabbed ahold of my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"If you feel any sting, squeeze my hand as hard as you can... but don't break it," he joked, easing my anxiety.

     I felt a instant pang on my skin and I squealed. I tightened my grip on Ethan's hand and began to squeeze the life out of him.

I heard him slightly wince in pain and I immediately removed my hand from his. He grabbed hold of his other hand while I came to a realization that the stinging had ended.

I glanced over, remembering what had just happened and quickly wrapped my arms around him. "Sorry," I apologized.

"It's ok," he shrugged, "it didn't hurt, anyways." I laughed at how he was trying to be tough, even though the tears in his eyes said otherwise.

"Thank you for being there," I said, grabbing ahold of his hand as he walked me out to the back yard after my mom placed a band-aid on my cut.

"No problem. I'll always be there," he said, giving me a toothless smile.

*Flashback over*

I smiled at the fact that I probably wasn't able to hurt Ethan like before. But anyone could hurt his heart if he let them in.

"Whatever the case," I begin,"you are way too special cry over something like this. There are millions over millions of girls that are dying to just meet you...just like Sarah."

He looks up at me at the mention of his name and then he quickly looks away. Oh boy...



"Wait a while till' you move on." I tell him. "We don't want anyone getting hurt from a rebound relationship."

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised and said nothing. He then stood up and held out his hand to take. I did, and then brushed off the back of my skirt after getting up. He led us to the front door but turned around and smiled.

"Thank you for being there," he said softly, looking at out laced hands. He gave them a slight squeeze and I gave him a small laugh.

"No problem. I'll always be there," I replied, giving him a toothy smile.

1063 words A/N Ayyyyyeeeee chapter 20!!!!! Finallyyyy!!! I know it wasn't more exciting but I believe that relationships with your best friends are also important.

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