Chapter 18: Party

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Chapter 18


Nick and Matt never went to parties. But they sure knew how to do parties for friends. There was a large array of snacks and fortunately alcohol. Joey and I walked inside to the living room together where everyone was already jamming out to the music.

"You want to dance?" Joey asked grinning and I couldn't deny him his happiness so I said yes. He took my hand and pulled me beside Lauren and Brian Rosenthal. I tried not to think about what that one girl from earlier had said about Joey and I looking cute together, but as we danced together I wondered for a moment what it would be like if we were dating. But, when I saw Darren enter alone I forgot all about Joey. Darren seemed pissed off and I broke away from Joey to try and ease Darren back into happiness.

Joey's POV

I watched Emily walk away with a heavy heart. I didn't want her to leave, but had she stayed I knew my feelings for her would have only heightened. I could still feel her body pressed against mine and I turned to Lauren so I could forget. I just wanted to forget. Because, it hurt me that Emily would always choose Darren and not me. But, I knew it wasn't her fault. You don't choose who the heart loves, but I wish she understood that. Darren was with Julia and he was only going to cause Emily pain. But I couldn't tell her that, because she wouldn't listen.

In the corner of my eye I saw Darren and Emily head to the kitchen together and my heart sunk. I couldn't keep watching them. I wanted to leave; I wanted to forget about Emily. But, I wasn't going to let a girl ruin my night. I turned to face Brian and Lauren. I decided I was going to have fun with or without Emily.

Emily's POV

Darren's face was flushed with annoyance and his jaw was clenched.

"Do you want to get something to drink with me?" I asked hoping to help him.

"Hell yes," he said and I gave a small smile as I followed him into the kitchen.

We found some red solo cups and began filling them up.

"You know you shouldn't be drinking," Darren said and I laughed.

"Oh don't tell me you're going to become like my brother." He shook his head chuckling.

"Of course not. Don't worry, I won't tell." I smirked at him.

"Cheers," I said while clinking my cup with his.

"Cheers," he smiled at me and I had meant to only have one drink that night, but it turns out I had something I wanted to push away just as Darren did.

"So what's been bothering you?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Julia and I just got in a stupid argument this morning."

I hated myself for being happy about that. I faked a frown and encouraged him to talk to me, but he didn't want to. He just wanted to forget and I allowed him to, because I figured this was my best chance at easing my way in. Only I didn't realize this was shoving me directly in his line of view.

A few drinks later we decided to move to the living room to join the others.

"Let's dance!" Darren exclaimed yanking my hand and pulling me into him.

"To dance again," I giggled and Walker heard.

"I've been waiting all these years to dance again," he sang while slightly slurring his words. Suddenly we all broke up in different songs from the musical and for a second I felt part of the group, I felt included and it was all thanks to the alcohol. This is why I drank, it helped me feel better.

I didn't stop myself from going all out dancing. I swung my hips and threw my hands in the air. Darren stood back to appreciate my crazy dance moves and laughed at me. I grabbed his hand forcing him to dance. He spun me around and I giggled as he pulled me into his chest. I wasn't sure how I much I had, had to drink, but it was enough to allow me to be happy and carefree again. Or perhaps it was just Darren and the atmosphere that caused me to be this way.

I saw my brother standing in the corner talking to Meredith and I gasped. I quickly turned around dragging Darren with me.

"Bro!" I exclaimed before throwing my arms around my brother. "Brian! You are so awesome! You know that right! You know you are my favorite brother, my best bro!" I said with my voice higher than usual. Everything seemed great at the moment, but Brian quickly wanted to shut it down.

"Have you been drinking?" He asked and it was clear he hadn't touched a drink yet. I frowned.

"It's a partyyyy," I groaned as if that explained my actions.

"Are you drunk?" He asked and I shook my head quickly.

"Course not." He seemed suddenly angry at my words as Darren stood besides me laughing. Meredith watched cautiously as an innocent bystander.

"Why did you let her drink?" Brian growled and I watched Darren's happiness quickly drop. He wasn't as wasted as I was. And I heard Darren say his first ever lie in front of me, "I didn't, she was like this when I got here." I didn't care that Darren had just lied to my brother I just nodded in agreement wanting to save Darren from my brother killing him.

"Besides it doesn't matter I just had a couple drinks," I shrugged and Brian rolled his eyes.

"A couple?" He quirked an eyebrow making me giggle.

"You're so good at that, can I do that?" I asked in my own world. I turned to Darren attempting to make my eyebrow rise, but failing miserable due to my drunken state.

"Okay, that's it. I'm taking you back to your dorm," Brian said reaching out to grab me. I flinched and jumped backwards before he could catch me.

"No I'm not," I crossed my arms like a stubborn kid.

"Come on, Emily," Brian was sounding an awful lot like my parent and I didn't like it one bit. I shook my head and Darren stepped into the mess. I figured he felt guilty about the situation, but I didn't know.

"Hey Brian, chill. I'll watch her and make sure she doesn't get into any trouble." Brian hesitated from agreeing. He looked at me then back to Darren before finally nodding.

"Okay, but no more drinks. She's underage and it's not legal and it stresses me out." I gulped at Brian's words. I hated how he was talking about me as if I wasn't standing right beside him.

"Come on Darren," I said pulling him back to the floor to dance, "Let's have fun." He grinned at me and pulled me in.



Just lounging at the pool writing.
That's the life man.

What do you do with freetime? I never really have any anymore, but I have a feeling in a week I'm going to have a lot. And I don't know what I'm going to do.
Besides write and read fanfiction lol

What do you guys do in your free time?
I'm going to try and make a short film this summer so that's going to take up some time at least *shrugs*

Oh well I'll figure it out.

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