Chapter 7: Demons

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Chapter 7


I snatched my hands away from Joey to avoid Joe and my brother from seeing the scars. "Walker! Brian!" I said quickly to let them know I was here and for them to not do anything crazy like strip or whatever they do when they're home alone.

"Emily!" Brian shouted and jumped to engulf me in a hug.

"Did you seriously get drunk, again?" I asked with a laugh.

"He's not drunk," Joe chuckled, "If he's drunk then I'm drunk Emmers." I struggled out of Brian's grasp and got up to stand against Joe who towered over me with his impressive height.

"I think you're drunk Joe, cause you never call me Emmers." He smirked at me then took his finger to touch my nose. My eyebrows furrowed together.

"We can't be drunk if we haven't been drinking silly." And he was right, his breath didn't smell anything like alcohol then my eyes widened as I realized what he did smell like.

"DUDE!" I shouted as the smell brought up a new set of memories. I could feel my throat close up. I needed some. "Fuck." I couldn't stop the itch.

Joey stared at me confused and Brian laughed as Joe shook his head at me.

"Can I have some?" I asked needing the high. Brian suddenly started to cackle and when Joe reached for his back pocket to help me Brian realized the seriousness in my question.

"No, no, no." Brian crossed his arms as if that would stop me.

"You've smoked weed?" Joey asked with wide eyes.

"I mean, I have smoked. I just haven't in a while, and I didn't think I could, because I figured no one would do it, but I mean Brian does it. Joe does it. I'm sure you do it Joey, now help a girl out." Joe was quick to help me, but then Brian jumped up slapping him. He turned to look at me.

"When did you smoke?" He glared at me with a look of disappointment that quickly disappeared with laughter.

"I did with Azazel," I said holding onto the annoyance and not caring about anything, but wanting some weed. I needed to remember what my life with him was like. I needed that freedom back. I wanted it back. I wanted to forget. I wanted to replace those old memories with new ones. But, Brian wouldn't let me.

"You what?" Brian asked stunned. The disappointment came back as Joey stood up to join me.

"Who's Azazel?" Joey asked as Joe watched the scene unfold.

"No one," I rolled my eyes to turn my focus back on Joe, who if I pressured just a little harder would give in.

"Her ex boyfriend," Brian answered for me. Joey looked at me.

"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." I shrugged seriously annoyed with Brian.

"No body else did, so you're not out of the loop, don't worry," Brian shrugged nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes and took my chance at Joe.

"So, Joe, buddy, you gonna hook me up?" He shook his head smirking then turned to Brian.

"Permission to kiss her, Sir Brian," Joe asked catching me off guard as he grabbed my arms to keep me in place.

"Excuse me?" I said thinking this had to be a joke and it was I just didn't get the butt of the joke yet.

"Permission granted," Brian said in a fit of laughter and he fell to his back on the couch.

Before Joe could even attempt to put his lips on mine, I dipped down to avoid any bad collisions. I saw in the corner of my eye Joey had reached to help, but I can help myself, thank you very much, I thought. Joe started laughing harder than Brian. I sighed assuming it had to be some stupid inside joke.

"Okay, well, I'm out," I said bursting over with anger and annoyance. How dare Joe? How dare Brian, my own brother? I rolled my eyes and slammed the door on my way out to escape the laughter that was pointed at me.

            As I left the house leaving my high brother and his high friend, I thought back to Azazel and our memories together. They seemed so dark and cloudy now, but in the moment they were fun. Then I was happy. But, how could I have been so happy then? I was only happy, because I had no idea of the pain that was going to come.

            I thought Azazel was going to be with me forever. I walked on eggshells trying to please him and stay on his good side, but it didn't matter. Nothing I did ever mattered. My own brother would allow his stupid friend to kiss me, even if I didn't want it. Maybe Joe wasn't really going to kiss me, but I didn't really care.

            I didn't really care about anything anymore.

I stared into the dark abyss of the streets stalled by numbness.

            "FUCKKK!" I shouted in pain. All my emotions seemed to be pouring out all at once and I didn't care. I didn't fucking care anymore. I stepped off the sidewalk and onto the road.

            "Hit me! Fucking hit me cars!" I shouted, but it was a dead street. No one was around, because no one even cares enough to end my misery.

            It was just me and my demons. And my angel that I had thought was there to save me way back in LA ended up being a devil in disguise.

            I remembered the day I met Azazel. It was after my late class and it was a Friday night. It had been a long week so I had gone to a gas station to grab some snacks. I walked through the rows searching for what I needed to survive the night and what I didn't need was him, but he was there anyways.

"Hey," he gave me a smile which I returned. His hair was pushed back like it would forever be, but his bright green eyes were there for me to see. He had a tight white shirt on to show off his biceps and his short sleeve cut off just enough so I could see the beginning of a tattoo--that would only pull me harder into him. I thought he was the hotness guy I'd ever seen in life and then he bit his lip causing my stomach to flip.

I cleared my throat before I said anything. "Hey," I tried not to look at him knowing that it was not good to associate with strangers. But, was the rule different when they're so good looking?  I grabbed a coffee which he took note on.

"Lots of homework?" He asked and I nodded while thinking that he must also go to the university. Little did I know he dropped out of high school and never made it further—I would find this out later after I was too deep in love to think straight. I found that endearing about him. A bad boy chasing after me, I had no chance. He was my first relationship, my first love, and he hurt me beyond repair.

I went up to the cash register and he followed me. As I set my drink on the counter I felt him lean up against me. He put a hand on my waist and my better part of the brain told me to push him away, but I couldn't. I was too enchanted to think right.

"I got this," he said shooing away my hand as I attempted to pull out my wallet. I thought to myself, what a hot, hot gentleman. But, he turned out to be quite the opposite.

That was just how he lured me in. It was a game to him, that's all I was. A game. And, though I met him that day at that gas station, that wasn't the first move. The first move happened a week after that. That was just the beginning.

After he paid for my drink I did what any sane person would do, I told him thank you and I left. Simple as that. We didn't exchange numbers, we didn't kiss, or have sex. He didn't follow me home. No. In fact I thought I'd never see this hot stranger again. And if only my thought had been true. But, a week later at a cursed party, while wearing a tight black dress, I would meet him again. And this time it would be the beginning to the end.



The song for this chapter is Hurricane by Halsey

I think I'm getting sick which is not good. I hate being sick. It's the worst.
I just gotta drink plenty of water I guess haha

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