Haunted Love.

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"Shawn Mendes and his girlfriend, Alexis Rivera have officially got engaged, and we have the story right here for you."

As my eyes stayed locked on the television, I could feel my hands start to shake. My brows furrowed together and I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

Shawn's supposed to end up with me not this lowlife who no one even knows about!

I threw the remote across the room causing it to break and the television was still blabbering on and on about them. So much anger was running through my body and I didn't know what to do.

Does he really think I would give up on the idea of us? It's absolutely ludicrous if he thinks I will. He belongs with me and not that girl he calls his fiancée and soulmate. Because in reality I'm his soulmate...he just hasn't realized it that's all.

If he thinks that I would give up on us...then he's wrong. But if he thinks this is over then he's about to face something that will surely end him and that girl Alexis.

I've got something planned, and it's something big. Something they would never expect. Even if the media knows about them, they'll wish they never did. I have something planned that would end that girls life.

I kept looking back at the TV to see multiple people cheering on the brand new couple, and the whole time I just wanted to hit something.

Most people see me as this innocent, small girl who won't do anything, but trust me, I can do a lot more damage if I tried, and in this case, I am.

From this point on, I won't stop until I have what's rightfully mine. They'll all see what I'm capable of, and then Shawn will finally realized that we're meant to be.

Now I've got some work to do.


Alexis and I had just left the hotel, it was her last day with me, and we were trying to spend as much time as we can together.

"So...how about we go get some lunch somewhere?" I asked while grasping Alexis' hand in mine.

"Sounds good to me," she smiled and gently kissed my cheek.

"Good because you look like you need to eat," I laughed while I tickled her stomach.

"Me? What about you?" She laughed while poking my stomach.

"You really want to go there?" I asked and she immediately shook her head, "that's what I thought."

"Ugh..excuse me!" She laughed and removed her hand from my grasp.

"What? Do you think you can take me on?" I asked as she quickened her pace.

"Oh I can, but the real question is can you take me on?" She laughed and stuck her tongue out at me.

"Oh...you're on," I laughed and ran up behind her and started tickling her.

She began to take in deep breaths, but that quickly stopped as I found her most ticklish spot, "Shawn! Stop! I'm sorry okay! Stop!" She laughed while trying to push me away from her.

"Do you still think you can take me on?" I questioned with a little chuckle and continued tickling her until she gave up.

"Maybe," she trailed off but then quickly changed her answer as I kept tickling her spot, "Okay okay! Yes I give up! You win! Happy?"

"Very," I laughed and planted a kiss on her soft lips.

She instantly kissed me back as her arms wrapped around my neck. I held her waist as we deepened the kiss like this morning. This time it was me begging for entrance in her mouth. We kissed for who knows how long, but all I could say was that it was perfect.

It was quite warm out today as we made it to a local restaurant near the hotel, and when we walked in, I was praying that no one would recognize me, because all I wanted was a simple day with my beautiful fiancée.

We took our seats and right away, someone came to help us.

"Hello there..." The woman who was going to help us paused and her eyes grew wider, "Shawn! Shawn Mendes the singer? Ho...how may...may I...um...help you today?"

"Um...hello," I looked towards Alexis with a smile, "What would you like to order baby?"

"Uhh...I'll just get a salad," She said to the woman who kept looking over at me.

She looked about Alexis' age, maybe even younger, but not too much younger. Her eyes grew dark each time Alexis' eyes would meet mine. It felt as if she wasn't even there. There was no acknowledgement of Alexis being there.

"Okay, and I'll have the same please," I flashed her a smile, and she looked as if she were about to have a heart attack.

"Right away, they'll be out shortly, and it's on the house," she smiled while backing away into the kitchen.

"Hmm...free food," I teased and grabbed one of Alexis' hands in mine.

"That girl really has a big crush on you," she laughed and wrapped her arms around me.

"Well that's too bad because I'm taken," I smiled and kissed her lips gently before pulling away.

"Oh yeah? By whom? Is she nice? I'll beat her up if she hurts you," she laughed and cupped my face in her hands.

"Oh she's no one really...just this really cute, adorable girl who happened to be one of my students," I smiled and she brushed her lips against my neck.

"She's cute huh? Cuter than me?" she laughed again while combing her fingers through my hair.

"Nah...she's nothing compared to you," I laughed and pressed my lips against hers again.

"Here you are Shawn," the young woman smiled and walked over to us while handing us our food.

She didn't even look at Alexis as she handed us our food, she just smirked at me which made me very uncomfortable.

"Thank you...have a nice day," I waved while dazzling her with a smile.

"Oh wait, is it okay if we get a quick picture?" She said and rushed to my side.

Usually for the type of girl that she is, and how she acts, I wouldn't have, but I'd do anything for my fans.

"Of course," I said while smiling at her again as she pulled out her phone.

I grabbed it from her and went onto the camera. I took some quick photos, and when I handed her back the phone, my eyes met Alexis'.

Oh no...this isn't going to end up well.

Alexis and I left the place right when we finished eating and the whole entire time I was trying to talk to her, it would always be one word answers.

When we got back to the hotel, I still got nothing out of her.

"Alexis, what did I do wrong?" I questioned while closing the door to our room.

"You know exactly what you did."

All I Want. {Sequel Mr. Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now