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I woke up with my arms around Alexis' back.  I heard my phone buzzing next to me, and I reached to pick it up.  It was my manager.

"Hello?" My voice was silent and raspy since I was still sleepy.

"Shawn! Where the hell are you? Your flight landed an hour ago," he said with a little hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Um...yeah...sorry about that...I was caught up in something," I smiled and looked down to a still sleeping Alexis.

"Like what? You're supposed to be here! In Germany! Do you know how many people came to see you?"

I was silent at first but then answered, "I know, but can't we just reschedule the show and I'll be on the next flight tomorrow?."

"You better because so many people are counting on you Shawn," I just nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"I understand, I'll be there...don't worry," I said and hung up the phone..

As I placed my phone back on the nightstand, I felt a little movement of on top of my body, and I looked down to see Alexis smiling up at me.

"Well good morning sleepyhead," I smiled and kissed her forehead gently.

"Hmm...good morning," she said and rested her head against my chest again.

I felt her begin to trace circles along the ridge of my ribs, and I laughed a little.  I felt her body move up towards my face and I smiled.  She had her hands hold her up as her face looked down at mine.  I held her waist while tracing circles on her stomach with my thumbs.  She was looking down at me with a smirk.

"What?" I asked while moving my hands up her back.

She shook her head and pressed her lips against mine.  I smiled as she pulled away from me.  I looked down and admired her body as she continued to look down at me.

"I love you," she whispered while nestling her nose against mine.

"And I love you...always," I whispered back while moving my hands off of her back.

I watched her hair suddenly fall down her right shoulder.  I ran my fingers through her hair and she smiled.  I lifted her up off of me and now she was sitting on my lap.  My back was pressed against the headboard as I caressed her cheeks.  I pulled her closer to me and began to lightly kiss her shoulders.  She let out a small laugh as I trailed my lips up to her neck.

"So I have to tell you something," I said and pulled away from her.

"Like what?" She questioned while trying to press her lips against mine.  I was going to pull away, but I couldn't.

I felt her lips suddenly press against mine.  I felt her hands gently cup my face as my hands rubbed the back of her head.  Her hands were now wrapped around my neck as we deepened the kiss.  We pulled away and our breaths were heavy.  I smiled and kissed her forehead.

"So what do you need to tell me?" She asked and I dropped my head.

"I have to leave...tomorrow," I said and she

"Oh, um okay," she sighed with a frown and removed herself from the bed.

She went to her drawers and picked out an outfit to wear.  I didn't really need to pick anything to wear since all I wear is just black and gray, so I just watched as Alexis walked over to the bathroom. 

She turned around and smiled, "You coming?"

"What?" I asked and she shook her head and gestured me to come closer to her.

"Come get ready," she smiled again and winked.

"I will when you're done," I said but she didn't move.

Then she went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.  She came back out with the same smile she had on before.

"Come on Shawn," she said and then I realized what she meant. 

I shook my head and held my head down in shame as I walked over to her.

"I love much," I said and gently kissed her nose.

"I know...and I love you...forever and always," she said and pressed her lips onto mine while closing the bathroom door behind us.

Wow I'm definitely going to miss this.

All I Want. {Sequel Mr. Mendes}Where stories live. Discover now