Chapter 63

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When they got back to the Shack, Mabel returned Wildbill to his apartment so he could pick up his truck to take it on over to the Pines residence. While she was doing that Pacifica was in changing into some sleep clothes she had left when she was consoling Mabel after her mother died. Meanwhile Dipper used the enlarging ray on Mabel's bed so it would hold the two girls easier. Once he was done and Pacifica had came back into the room, he went and changed in the bathroom. He thought of crashing down with his cousins, but he decided to just sleep in his bed. It's not like the girls were pulling a sleepover. Mabel changed after he was done and then crawled into the bigger bed.

"Well ladies, I see you in the morning.", Dipper said as he turned the lamp on the end table off.

"Night Dip," Pacifica said before she turned and hugged Mabel, "Night."

"Sweet dreams," Mabel replied as she gave Pacifica a kiss on the cheek. She then lifted her head up and said, "Night broseph."

The next couple of days went by without a hitch.

Thursday November 29th, 2012

On Thursday Mary was apparently out sick, so Tony didn't have to worry about her. Wendy and Dipper had taken the first shift with Thompson. Thompson remembered he had the tutoring gig, after learning it was calculus Dipper offered to cover for him. He and Wendy showed up at the library at a quarter after six and waited for the students being tutored. Seeing Dipper there instead of Thompson made the girls try to leave, until Wendy reminded the girls that the teacher assigned them a tutor in Thompson and Dipper has volunteered to cover for him while he's in the hospital. By the end of the session one of the girls, Wendy later told him her name was Kassi, whispered a comment to her friends 'Well it looks like we may have a back up if once one of us get's Thompson'. Dipper ended the session as soon as he finished the explanation he was giving. And from the look Wendy was giving her, Dipper was sure she heard it also.

After their shift with Thompson, Mabel and Pacifica tried to visit Tsunami. Since she was still in the critical care unit all they were able to do was to stand in the hall and look into the room at the girl. They learned (thanks to being part of the group that brought her in and Pacifica's last name) that she was doing good, but under sedation due to the pain from the wounds. They also noticed that she wasn't on a ventilator, so she was able to breath on her own. Mabel made sure she had a good memory of the room so she could visit her again later. After they left they decided to stop at Greasy's for hot chocolate and some pie. They continued to walk around for a little bit, before heading back to the Shack. Neither of the twins saw their visitors at all that day, they seemed to have left before they got home and came back to the Shack after the twins were in for the night. That night the familiar golden glow was seen twice in their room.

Friday November 30th, 2012

Friday was similar. Tony turned in his project in his computer aided drafting class and told Mr. Arkay that he'd like to work with Pacifica on the next project and she agreed. After school he and Tambry took the first shift visiting Thompson and afterwords they went to the mall. Francis and Candy visited next and after they were done they went for another trip through the museum. Fiddleford, Ford, and Testosteraur spent the day double checking on all the work they had done. They still need to polish up some of the final touches but they are mostly done with all the necessary rooms and there were still a few unnecessary rooms they were going to add.

Gillian and James spent most of the day in town always doing their best to stay near crowds of people. She decided she wasn't ready yet to introduce themselves to the rest of Stan's family so she was trying to stay away while they maybe in the house. She had also put a ward over the two of them that should prevent the hag's warriors from finding them. While they were out they ended up grabbing more of their gear from the old shop, including her mini fridge and the hot plate so they didn't have to eat in town so much.

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