Chapter 72

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Saturday December 8th, 2012

Valentino Funeral Home

Gravity Falls, OR

"We are gathered here today to honor the memory of Gillian Rupert-Pines..." Janice Valentino said as she lead the funeral.

Wendy sat through the memorial service vaguely paying attention. She was spending most of her time looking at those that had gathered for the service. While there were a couple of others, most of the mourners were members of the Shack crew and extended family. Stan and James were in the front row with Ford and Mabel on either side of them. Soos, Dipper, Francis, and Tony took up the next row. Melody, Abuelita, Fiddleford, and Adam were next. And finally were some folks from around town like her dad, Adam Pines, Mayor Tyler, Blubs and Durland, Susan, Mr. Decker, and a few others. She and Pacifica had taken the seats on either side of the door into the parlor.

Unsurprisingly only Janice Valentino was here, Greg Valentino had left early this morning to head to Portland to pick up Robbie. He had been missing since just before the blizzard. Apparently he had gone up to Portland to visit friends, only for his van to breakdown while he was up there. The problem is that she has known Robbie since they were kids and his only friends were here in Gravity Falls. Something was hinky.

Back to the matter at hand, this was originally going to be only a memorial service as the ground was too frozen to dig up. But as Greg had went to leave this morning the plot that had been purchased for Gillian had been found to have been freshly dug.


A wall of darkness surrounds the cemetery making the already dark night absolutely impervious. Still sound is not affected by the darkness and so the din of moving earth being shoveled was still there. In the center of the darkness was Yami breaking up the frozen earth with his solid darkness.

"You gonna try to dig the whole grave by yourself?" Shifter asked as he walked through the darkness barrier.

"They planned on just putting her into a freezer until they were able to do something." Yami said as he continued to dig.

"Want us to help?" Shifter asked even though he didn't appear to worry about the answer. He shifted into a giant moltik from Monstermon and dove right into the grave Yami was digging. Using the creatures spade like hands he began to break up the hard dirt and send it up out of the grave.

"Well I guess an extra pair of hands wouldn't hurt," Yami said as he saw how easy Shifter was breaking up the solid dirt. He started to shovel out the freshly broken dirt and then he processed what Shifter had said, "What do you mean us?"

At that point Freerunner and Flux walked into the clearing.

"Well the ground is frozen solid," Flux said as he kicked at the edge of the grave. He reached into one of his pouches and grabbed something, "I wonder if it'll be stronger than diamond."

He slid down into the hole and with his hands held open and straight, he began thrusting them into the dirt breaking it up. Freerunner than produced a shovel he had been carrying behind his back started shoveling up the dirt his brother loosened.

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