Nate's House

Alexa was seated in the kitchen looking over her physics book to try and prepare for the test she knew the teacher had planned for tomorrow. As much as she wanted to try and stay away from any place her 'uncle' could find her, she knew the test was one of the ones the teacher said would go towards their final grades so she couldn't miss it. She had just flipped to the next page when she heard screeching tires coming from the drive way. Not knowing what exactly to expect she grabbed the knife she had used to chop up the head of lettuce Nate had in the fridge to prepare a salad to go with dinner tonight. Once done she slipped into the space between the fridge and the wall and hid.

The front door opened with a rush and she heard two pairs of feet travel into the house. Though she was scared, she tried to hear if the people were saying something, vaguely she heard, "Where is she? She should be here."

As she tried to recognize the voice she heard foot falls heading her way. As soon as she heard the sound pass her, she jumped out and wrapped an arm around the neck of the person and pulled him around towards the other person who was just coming around the corner. As she turned she said, "Back off, I've got your... Lee."

Dropping the knife she realized the guy she had a choke hold on was Nate. She quickly let him go and quietly said, "I'm sorry, so sorry. I just heard the vehicle and thought he had found me."

"Well at least we know you can defend yourself if need be," Nate said with a chuckle as he rubbed his throat.

"Look I hate to put a downer on this, but we came here to get her for a reason.", Lee said sounding more serious than she remembered ever hearing him being before, "Something happened at school. Thompson was attacked."

"Did that jerk jump him again?", Alexa asked before she realized Joey would've just came with them if it was something that simple.

"No. I'm sorry to say this," Nate said putting a hand on her shoulder before he continued, "Someone jumped him on his way to last class apparently. They found him on the landing in between the third and fourth floors after last period. He's been taken to Gravity Falls General Hospital. We knew you'd want to be there so we came to get you."

Lee added, "And don't worry about your uncle, everybody is gonna be there and he'll have to fight his way through all of us to get to you."

"Ok, let me grab my backpack and we can head out." Alexa said as he headed towards the bedroom she used last night, while Lee headed towards the truck.

Nate stood there for a moment trying to figure out where she had came from. He looked towards the top of the fridge, but no he would have heard her land. He looked at the only other place he could think of that would have allowed her to get behind him but dismissed it, there was less than two inches between the fridge and the wall.

Gravity Falls High School

After Wendy as Will O' had teleported to the hospital to find a safe area to bring Tambry and herself. She tried an area she used to hide when she was younger and refused to visit her mother in the hospital because she didn't want to acknowledge she was losing her. Staying invisible she looked around the area to make sure it would be safe. While she had been gone Tambry was working on her phone asking Jette to watch over their appearance at the hospital and to make sure they didn't get caught on camera appearing out of nowhere. Asta offered to keep track of all police reports of the attack. Wendy returned and said it was all clear.

Gravity Falls General Hospital

The girls appeared in the alcove, Wendy powered down and waited. While there they tried to figure out who may have attacked Thompson. They knew he was the type of guy who had no enemies in the world, at least until recently that is. It seemed to them that since he began dating Alexa he has been attracting trouble, first there was her uncle and then the guy who jumped him yesterday.

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