My Hot English Teacher Loves Me...He Loves Me Not [14]

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OK next part :))

Couldn't hold back any longer :D



I felt the impact of Mr. Miller's words almost right away. As he continued to kiss my neck, I knew the decision I had to make. I waited a little longer though, still enjoying the impact of his soft, buttery lips against my bare skin.

As his lips reached my collarbone, I gently pushed him back. At first he seemed confused, and smiled, going back down to continue. I pushed him again, this time keeping my hands on his chest. "What?" he asked, laughing a little.

"Aden," I said, then paused. I really wanted to do this as much as I knew he did, but there was something inside that was telling me it was wrong. I let out a sigh and looked into his eyes, grasping both sides of his face in my palms. He smiled down at me, his eyes shining brightly. "...Aden...Don't you feel like there's something-wrong with this?" I asked, trying to keep the sweetness in my voice.

He lowered his gaze, letting his eyes fall to my chest. I saw a twinge of longing, but that was covered by a sigh of understanding. He let his head fall, letting out a chuckle as his elbows bent on either side of me. "...Yeah," he said, after a while. "I do." He let out a chuckle, sounding almost like he was laughing at himself.

I laughed too, even though both of us felt equally disappointed. "You know," I started nervously.

He looked up to listen attentively to what I was saying.

"I just wanted to mention that if two people have feelings for each other..." I wanted to go on, but wasn't really sure if Mr. Miller and I shared the same feelings.

"Yeah," he said, urging me to go on.

I blushed and continued. "...Well...If they love each other..." A dreamy look came over my face. "What they share is too precious to be..." I looked down at myself, "I don't know...Violated?"

He laughed out loud, and flopped next to me. "Oh, I'm violating you now?"

"No! No, that's not what I meant at all!" I emphasized, sitting up. I sat back down, suddenly embarrassed to be in this revealing in front of Mr. Miller.

"I know, I know," he said, grinning down at me. "I was just kidding, Amethyst."

I looked over at him, smiling in adoration. He understands me! I thought dreamily. No wonder I was crazy about him. "Thanks for understanding, Aden." I said, pulling the blanket over myself shyly.

He grinned and pulled it over my neck, tucking it comfortably under my chin. He kissed me on the lips. It was nothing lusty, just a small peck on the lips. "Get some rest," he said, getting up and putting his pants back on.

He pulled on his V-neck, covering, much to my utter regret, his perfectly ripped and chiseled figure. "Where are you going?" I called after him, as he approached.

He put up his phone, saying, "I'm just gonna make a quick. I'll be back."

He closed the door behind him, but I was never one to fall asleep very quickly. I looked at the floor, disgusted in the pile of huge and manly clothes on the floor. I hesitantly got up and put on the shirt, which smelled like it had been dunked in cologne. I was about to throw the shorts in the shower when I heard a voice in the hallway.

I quietly tiptoed to the door. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop on Mr. Miller, but I had nothing better to do at the moment. I pressed my ear to the door and listened intently.

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