My Hot English Teacher Loves Me...He Loves Me Not [8]

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OK here's the next part, just can't wait to post it!! :)

Hope you guys like it

And BTW I know the last part was a little fast-paced, but don't worry this will be more...clarified <-__->

Here goes....

And it's going to be a BIT, just a BIT unoriginal.

(And remember to play the song when I say, as long as it won't distract you :P)




For a while, I stood there, in his arms, confused. I hated myself every second that I clung to him. It just reminded me of how pathetic I was being. He had demeaned me, I mean, not horribly, but is any guy really worth any ounce of humiliation? Maybe that was a little arrogant, but I still felt slightly uncomfortable as we sat down on the couch, him smiling brightly at me.

"So, how are you?" he asked happily.

It took me a while to respond. "Fine, thanks," I said, grabbing the remote and playing the DVD. I was on Episode 5, the one where the leading actor, Jin-Hyun's, ex-girlfriend Hee-Jin comes back and surprises Sam-Soon, the leading actress. (

I shifted uncomfortably as I remembered the Blondie in Mr. Miller's picture. I looked up at him. He was silently watching the TV show, squinting to catch the small yellow subtitles. He noticed my gaze and chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't bring my glasses," he said, rubbing his eyes.

I adjusted my own glasses and nodded. There was an awkward silence. I stood and said, "Do you want something to drink?" For some reason my curiosity at who the woman in the picture was made me annoyed to be around him.

Mr. Miller nodded quietly. He had been trying to slowly put his arm around my shoulder, but I had moved quickly, so it now hung oddly over the edge of the couch. "Sure."

I went into the kitchen and looked for some Sobe bottles. I grabbed two Fruit Punch flavors out of the fridge and set them on the table. I looked inside the refrigerator again to get two slices of my Tiramisu Layer Cake, a coffee flavored cake, and set them on a small plate. I hesitated, then separated them, putting them on different plates. Even the idea of sharing a plate with him disgusted me now, I was so anxious.

I went back into the living room and saw Mr. Miller speaking on the phone with someone. He saw me come in and put up the 'one-second' signal. Not today, I thought.

I marched over and ungraciously slammed the plates and drinks which I had under each arm, on the table. I said angrily, "You know it's rude to talk to someone on the phone when you're in...someone else's house!"

He froze and nodded. He quickly mumbled, "Sorry, something came up, I have to go. OK, bye...." He hung up the phone, saying, "Sorry, Amethyst, you're right, that was rude."

I nodded, even though I knew I had just made that up. You're supposed to treat your guest, not the other way around. We sat there quietly for a while. "Well eat," I said, a little too loudly.

"Oh, ok," he said, quickly grabbing a plate. He slowly forked a piece of the cake and brought it to his mouth. He ate the piece and gave an 'Mmm.' "This is really good, did you make it yourself?"

"Yup," I said, grabbing a Sobe and hurriedly twisting it open.

"Really?" he asked, taking another bite.

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