My Hot English Teacher Loves Me...He Loves Me Not [5]

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Here goes nothin' :)


Hayden grumbled something about going out at eight on a Saturday night, while I rubbed my hands together nervously. "I just need my bag," I said quietly.

"At eight o'clock? Rightttt....." he mumbled as we stopped at a red light.

"You know I had to do chores and spring cleaning all day," I said defensively. "Stop acting like I'm some sort of slut," I mumbled, furrowing my eyebrows.

Hayden glanced at me and said, "I was just kidding, nerd. I know you're saving it all for your Algebra," he joked.

I punched him in the arm as he pulled into a medium sized driveway. There in front of us stood an average sized brown house with grey framework and a moss green roof. Pretty normal. For some reason I had imagined Mr. Miller to have a huge house, but I guess a teacher's salary isn't enough for that.

Hayden widened his eyes and said, "Go."

"OK," I said, getting out. I felt a lot more calm when I saw how homey the house looked. Warm lights poured out from inside and the lawn and plants were neatly cut. "Hey, remember to," I watched as the car picked up. "Stay and take me...home," I whispered, as Hayden's old Mustang drove off. Idiot.

I shook my head and made my way to the doorway. I hesitated, pulling down my shirt and tightening my bun. Finally, I gathered up the courage and rang the doorbell, immediately regretting it. Before I could turn away and run, the door opened. There, standing in front of me, was Mr. Miller, looking more different that I had ever seen him.

He hadn't had on his usual attire of dress shirts, slacks, sweatervests, dress shoes, tidy hair. Nope. He was wearing a small grey V-neck, black and white striped Pajama pants, white socks, and his hair was in curly, messy, spikes. His slightly unkempt on-the-face beard, (the ones where there is barely any hairs on their face, just looks messy) and outrageously thick framed black nerd glasses ?(the ones that are in nowadays), made him look extremely hot and casual. Hot.

"Hey Amethyst, how're you doing?" he asked, leaning against the doorway. He had a huge black book tucked under his arm. Hot and nerdy. Wow.

Forgetting my manners, I babbled, "Can I come in?"

"Oh," Mr. Miller laughed, opening the door wide and waving in. "Come in." His face was a little pink and I felt bad for making him feel weird.

Suddenly I remembered the other day. The massage, the glints in our eyes as we stared at each other..I froze and whirled around, bumping directly into his chest. He gave a kind of muffled grunt and his face turned bright red. Oh God, what was that?

"I..I'm sorry. I just wanted to say, Mr. Miller," i hesitated.

"Please, call me Aden," he smiled down at me, resting his palms on my shoulders. What a cute name.

I stumbled over the words as they poured out of my mouth, "About yesterday, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for anything to happen, I hope you don't think I'm weird." I said it all in one quick sentence.

Mr. Miller's face turned from cheerful to serious. "No I do not think you're weird. If anything, I should be the one apologizing for...Doing that." He quietly removed his hands from me and stepped back a little.

"Okay," I muttered stupidly. "I'm sorry," I said, as I noticed his uncomfortable gaze.

He looked up, "For what?" I was about to apologize for apologizing for nothing but he read my mind. "Stop apologizing, you haven't done anything wrong."

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