She listened to her friend as she laughed for a moment and then make a comment. She responded as she continued absentmindedly sketching, "I do too have a type. No, it's not the unattainable type. Hey, I'm not boy crazy. I didn't ask out nearly every guy my age while we were there, I didn't ask out any of the Corduroy boys. All right cut it out Paz, their sister is one of my best friends. Yeah, yeah. Look I need to be getting to bed soon, I'll talk to you later. Sweet dreams, amiga."

This conversation was actually really close to one she's been having with herself off and on since they have been back in Piedmont. 'Have I really been only going after the unattainable guys, did I really set myself up to fail all summer. If I did then what do I really want?', At this point she took a moment to see what she had been drawing and realized it was a beautiful drawing of Pacifica. She looked at it for a few moments and then said, "Uh oh."

Dipper's Room

"Whoa, wait a minute. You mean you've found another stone man?" Dipper was asking Wendy after she told him what they had found behind the Museum. "Wait, Blind Ivan? I thought he left town after Mabel made him a banjo minstrel." he got up and started pacing while trying to think. "How good of a look did you get of his overall appearance? Did it look like he had any types of bite marks visible? Did it look like there were any type of hand or paw prints on him? Were his eyes open or closed? Was his mouth open or closed?" he was firing questions off faster than she could answer on the other end. Finally he listened to her asking him to slow down.

Gravity Falls

Wendy's Room

"Whoa, slow down man. Give me a chance to think, he's not right here in the room with me. Ok, let's see. McGucket said as he was heading out he heard a screech, so thinking it might be something he could catch for breakfast he went to check it out. As he got closer he heard rustling and saw the bushes moving as if he had scared something off. Then he yelled for us and we found Ivan." Wendy thought for a moment, "Hmm ok. I don't remember any bite marks. Didn't take too good of his clothes. And both his eyes and mouth were open. Besides that that I don't remember much else about him. Tell you what I'll take a pic tomorrow when I get to work."

Wendy got up from her bed and walked over to her dresser and started grabbing a tank and shorts to sleep in. "So what happened to you today, man? Anything I should know about?"

Piedmont, California

Dipper's Room

"Yeah, a pic would help. Thanks." Dipper replied as he reached for a tank and some sleep shorts.

"Well apparently I'm some sort of local celebrity at school, thanks to the video from yesterday. Uhm, I was asked if I wanted to join the school's wrestling team, though I think the teacher was just ribbing me. And Jimmy's two friends tried to attack me at lunch." He then had to pull the phone from his ear as Wendy started yelling for their names and addresses. "Calm down. I dig my best to just ignore them, but Mabel being Mabel stepped up to them to defend me. To make a long story short," he pulled back again as Wendy practically yelled 'Too Late.' causing them both the chuckle a little, he needed that he realized. Once it subsided he continued, "one of them tried to swing at Mabel so I decked him."

He had sat down at his desk while laughing and now brought up the web browser he was using before he got the call. He decided to see how many hits the video had now and to his surprise he saw the description now had a new link attached to it. He clicked it and saw that Mabel had some how gotten a copy of one of the videos from today's fight and posted it.

"Great, that's all I needed." he tried to say under his breath.

Gravity Falls

Wendy's Room

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