"Uhm, you've got me here. What are you talking about?", Wendy asked actually confused.

"We were both five, we were out riding our big wheels down main street when we ran into an older kid and his girlfriend or cousin or something and you leaned over and whispered that the guy was cute, so I told him what you said. The more I think about it the more I think that Dipper looks like that guy.", Tambry explained. "You ended up having us ride around that area for a week or two cause you hoped you could see him again."

"Tambers, we were five like you said," Wendy retorted, "I really don't remember that. Heck you had a crush on Alexander Graham Bell back then."

"Really, you can remember that?", Tambry questioned, "But can't remember the first guy you thought was cute enough to tell me about it?"

"It was a long time ago.", Wendy shrugged as they entered their class, though she see was vaguely starting to remember that day. 'Hmm, I'll have to ask one of them about that,' she thought as she sat down.

Piedmont, California

Nancy Reagan Middle School

Dipper headed to bus stop with Mabel feeling some trepidation. He had checked the mytube posting again before leaving the house and saw the video has had over 5,000 likes and nearly 30,000 views. Someone had also taken all the sound from it and dubbed it with sound bites from the Fight Fighters game. Who knows what type of reception he was gonna get at school, especially if Jimmy's dad really does pull him off of the football team. He intentionally wore muted colors today in order to not stand out. He tried hard to work on the research last night but he could barely concentrate enough to open the book. He brought one with him to read during lunch and he saw Mabel put the 'Venkman's Guide' in her backpack. Now to just wait for the bus.

"You ready for this, Dip?", Mabel asked as the bus had started turning the corner to head to their stop. Despite his protests she was wearing a sweater with Dipper's face on it in order to show support for him.

"We'll see.", Was all he said.

No sooner had the bus door open then he heard a resounding, "Hi Dipper!", Come from most of the bus.

As they got on they noticed Jimmy wasn't riding today. Some kids he didn't even really know kept asking him if he wanted to sit with them today, but he'd say he was gonna just sit with his sister like normal. Finally one kid got up to give them his seat. It seemed like everyone was asking about how it felt to take down one of the biggest jerks in the school. Pretty much he just sat back and let Mabel field the questions.

It didn't get much better once they got to school, nearly everybody was stopping him as he walked the halls to talk to him about the fight, even some of the Cheerleaders. Right now he just wished it would all go away. Sure he didn't mind the 'fame', he just wished it had come from one of his scholastic endeavors and not due to some stupid fight. Apparently even some of his teachers had seen the video, his English Lit teacher praised him for his 'Chivalrous Endeavor' in defending his sister, his Applied Sciences teacher commented on his proper use of physics in using his body as a fulcrum for the swing of the backpack, and the Phys Ed teacher asked him if he was gonna try out for wrestling due to him being comfortable outside of his weight-class.

It was lunch time before it seemed like he was gonna get any type of respite. For the first ten minutes it seem it would just be him and Mabel at their table, but just as he was pulling out his book to do some studying up walked Jimmy's two cronies.

"Well look, it's lil Dipstick." #1 said, "Having fun soaking up all the glory your video is getting you?"

Dipper just looked at him. 'One of these days I'll have to learn their names, I can't keep thinking of them as Jimmy's cronies.' Dipper thought as he looked them over. 'They sorta remind me of an inverted Durland and Blubbs. I think the taller one is Jason, Mason, Hanson, something like that. And the other one I think I've heard him called "Stumps" or something like that.'

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