The New Friend ~ Chapter 7

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As I continued down the old battered up pathway I see the trees go by getting less and less familiar. You see my father never let me over this bridge I used to just sit right at the top and look deep into the woods as far as my eye could see. I continue walking for a good amount of time probably about 20 minutes. When I finally get to the next town over I begin to look around. I see all these shops and people in different colors, very few waterbenders, the firenation soldiers, but most were earthbenders. I begin to see where I could find supplies for my journey. Since I was too busy looking around to find the shop I crash into another person. As I cautiously look up I see it is a girl around my age, I quickly look down to her clothes....Firenation. This girl was a firenation. I have to get out of here I quickly looked for an escape route. I see one leading into an old abandoned store. I turn so fast I’m surprised I did not get whiplash.

“Hey wait up!” Someone yelled. I glance back and see it’s the girl I ran into earlier. I ran faster than before dodging people, and firenation alike. I stepped into the shop and made my way to the back where she would not find me. When I finally get there I look to the entrance and see that she has just entered the store. Crap! She’s heading my way. I busy myself into looking at a shirt, it was a firenation shirt. Ewhh firenation. I thought as I looked at it.

“Wow, you almost got away, good dodging back there by the way.” the girl behind me said. Crap I didn’t get way. I turn around and say the first thing that comes to mind.

“Erm.... Hi” I say. I trapped by a firenation girl and the first thing I think of is hi that’s pathetic.

“‘Don’t worry I won't hurt you. I’m one of the good guys!” she told me smiling.

“You don’t look like one of them” I said gesturing to her firenation clothes. She glances down and glares at me.

“Not all firenation is bad” she told me angrily.

“Sorry It’s just that the firenation does not have the best reputation, you know” I told her trying to clear my name and get her to feel better. Why should I care what she feels. The firenation are evil just like the Air Nomads. I thought bitterly remembering that horrible day in my past.

“Ah it’s alright I understand. So where are you going?” She questioned me.

“How did you know I was going somewhere?” I asked back.

“I saw you looking around at the camping and weapons supply earlier.” She told my smugly.

“Oh” I said feeling suddenly embarrassed.

“Can I come?” She said. Wait what!? I screamed in my head.

“Why would you come you have a family and friends. You’re not coming.” I told her.

“But I could use your help! Where are earthbenders held captive if they are taken from the Air nomads.?” I asked her hoping she would help me without too much question.

“Oh I’m not telling you” she told me. Okay well looks like i’m going to try and coax her to find my parents. I could promise money since my parents are...or were wealthy and powerful.

“You could come with me I mean to help me look for my parents. That’s where i’m going i’m going to save them.” I told her hoping she would come to save my parents with me.

“Okay I‘ll help you! What are your parent’s name maybe I know them I mean air nomads and firenation do work together on a lot of projects.” She told me. Firenation and Air Nomads ….. working together ….. without killing each other. Surprising! I thought silently.

“Their names are... Matthias and Valentine Grenthe.” I told her trying to say the names as quietly as possible … their names cause all the memories to flood back into my head. I have to see them again …. even if it’s the last thing I ever do. Once I say my parents names her eyes widen in surprise.. or sadness I can’t tell. She then agrees to accompany me on my trip. Should I tell her about the lightning bending.... Nah that’s for another day. I thought.

“My names Victoria.. Vic for short you.” I said introducing myself since we never really had a chance to before.

“I’m Sage.” She told my outstretching her hand. I shook it happily. Now looking at my companion more closely i saw that she is very tan, had dark brown/black hair and brown eyes. She wore red and black firenation leather fighting outfit. She began to tell me about herself and how her parents were abusive, blaming her for money problems, even though the father drunk away their money. And how since she is a firebender, most people fear her so she had very little to no friends.

“Well let’s go get some supplies it’s going to be a loooong journey.” She told me. We set out to find extra equipment for our journey to find my parents. Wait I have no money. I thought back to my mother's necklace......but I can’t sell it, I look over to Sage who smiles at me.. Looks like the necklace is going to go. I’m sorry mom. That was the last thought i had before taking off the beautiful piece of jewelry and setting out to find to person willing to pay the most for it.


Sorry thhat this is a day late... highschool what are yah going to do ;) Anyways Hope you like it tell us if we can make any changes or if you like a specific part of the story.! 

                                                                       ~~~Alyssa <3

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