Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! Part One

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The following Monday I woke up and got ready as usual. Throwing on an old orange hoodie with some jeans and converse I went into the bathroom to put in my contacts. I had the left one in and as I picked up the right my brother shouted across the house. "Alex hurry up!" Getting so scared I dropped it right down the drain.

"Archie I'm so gonna kill you for that!" I shouted trying to take out the left since it wasn't much use to me at this point. Digging through the side drawer I pulled out the glasses I had from my freshman year. They weren't ugly, but compared to contacts I might as well have been Velma. Running downstairs while shoving my books and phone into my bag I ran right into my brother. "Are you kidding me?"

"Oh the glasses are back?" He said with a laugh. "I thought I'd never be this lucky but I'm glad I am."

"Dad can I kill Archie?" I shouted pushing past him towards the door.

"But then I'll have to take back ungrounding you." He said with a smile as he sipped his coffee.

"I'm not grounded anymore?" I asked excitedly as I hugged my dad. "Thank you! Thank you so much! You won't regret this!" Before anyone could change their mind I raced out the door and ran right into Betty and Jughead. "Sorry I know yow two hate me right now so I'll keep moving."

I got pulled back by a hand on my forearm and almost thrown down by the force. "Alex you know I could never hate you right?" It was Jughead. "What happened wasn't the greatest but neither of us did what we should have."

"Jug. I love you. I really do and probably always will, but as long as you take the side of Betty when I'm the actual victim I'm gonna have to pretend I don't. It's the hardest thing in the world to know the one person who was always there for you isn't, but we all know I've been through worse."

"Alex I'm not taking sides." I looked at the space between the two of them.

"Jughead, I see it. I know you two might not right now but I know both of you well enough to see it." Walking away I saw Archie just coming out of our house and walking towards them. After the wake this weekend I'm sure the Scooby gang had a lot to talk about. One teenage asshole gets murdered and suddenly the world stops turning. Pulling out my phone I went to play music but a horn sounded behind me. "Well if it isn't our resident football captain."

"You need a ride Andrews?" Reggie asked with a smile as he leaned over and opened the passenger door. "Or even a two minute conversation with a hot jock?"

"Where's the hot jock?" I asked with a smirk as I got in the car. "I could use more than two minutes with him."

"Very funny Alex. So what happened with your Dad? I didn't see you at all this weekend, I even checked the library."

"I wish I could've seen that. Reggie Mantle in the library. Must've made the papers, but if you must know I got grounded for no reason but I'm free now."

"Free enough to spend some more time with me?" I looked over to see him smirking.

"Always. Sadly, we have this thing called school and we both know I'm too chicken to skip for no reason so let's just go watch talent show auditions and pray we don't have a pop quiz." He pulled into an empty spot and shut off the car. When I reached for the handle it was still locked. "Alright let me out now Mantle."

Turning back I saw him looking at me. "Alex I really want to ask you something and this is the only time we're actually alone."

"You're making me nervous Reggie."

"Don't be. All I want to ask is what my chance is."

"Chance of what? Spit it out."

"Chance of this turning into more than two people who spend all their time together but never actually make it. I saw the way things were with you and Jughead. You two spent every waking moment together and everyone thought and asked but you two never dated. I don't want that. I want to be able to tell people we're together and know I'm not just fooling myself."

"Reggie, there wasn't anything that was ever gonna happen between Jughead and I. We were best friends and best friends spend all their time together." I stopped for a second trying to convince myself as I told him. "I don't know what the two of us are right now but I'd say you definitely have a chance."

He unlocked the car door and ran to my side to open the door. "Chances looking better?" He asked with a smile as I got out.

"Loads." We walked together towards the auditorium and sat in the row in front of the rest of the football team. When I saw my brother walk up onto the stage I got nervous for him. I could see him sweating from here and Kevin tried to be kind in rushing him.

"I'm trying." I heard my brother say.

"Try harder!" Reggie shouted from beside me. Scoffing I stood and smacked him upside the head.

"Worse. Much, much worse you asshole. That's my brother."

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