Heart of Darkness Part Three

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"I really don't understand why every sport needs a different word for when they score. Like homerun, touchdown, goal it all means the same thing so why make it so complicated?" I asked Reggie as we walked into Pops after his practice.

"It's like how everything you learn in history is the same. There's a who what why where and when. Sometimes even how. But we call ever battle a by a different name. Every war has a different name but when you say 'Vietnam' it has a different context. Like when you saw homerun everyone knows you're talking about baseball."

"Wow you're smart for a pigheaded jock." I said nudging him as we found an empty booth near the back. I moved into the middle of one side as Reggie sat across from me.

"I try." Pops came over and took our order of one vanilla and one chocolate milkshake. "So why did you agree to come out with me? I know I'm irresistible but you haven't really caught onto my crush all these years so what makes now different?"

"I think all this time I've been so caught up with all my brother's drama I never really paid much attention to anyone besides him, Jughead, and Betty. We all saw how well that was going so I figure it might be time for a change."

As the two of us sat in that booth nothing else mattered. The sun went down, people came and went, but all I knew was Reggie Mantle had made me laugh more in the last few hours than I had in months. I could've sat there for longer if I didn't get a call from my dad.

"Hey Dad what's up?"

"Where the heck have you been? I know I don't give you a curfew but you could at least let me know you're alive and well." He sounded concerned but I had a feeling it was sparked by more than just me being out.

"Look I'm out with someone right now at Pops. If you want me to come home I will but I'm alive. I'm well. I'm fine Dad so calm down."

"Just don't stay out too late. Lots of messed up things have been happening in this town and I wouldn't like you to be the face of the next one. I love you kid."

"Love you too dad." I hung up and saw Reggie staring into space. I grabbed my camera from my bag and took a picture. The moonlight and neon signs were reflecting perfectly on his chiseled features.

"Woah do I have paparazzi now?" He said with a laugh as I looked at the picture.

"This would make a really good picture for the cover of the blue and gold." I turned the camera around and showed him the picture feeling proud when his smile grew. "I assume you took the captain spot for varsity?"

"It isn't taking if it's already yours. One thing I will take is a picture of you in return for the one of me." He already had my camera in his hands and I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked away and fiddled with the straw of the empty milkshake glass. "See I might be ready for the cover of a school paper, but I think the world needs to see this."

When I looked at the camera I was surprised to see myself smiling and actually looking happy. The lights reflected onto me but it made my eyes seem exponentially brighter. "Thank you Reg. Really."

"Don't thank me. We both had a part in this. Want me to walk you home?"

"I would love that but I have a feeling I'm about to have a very long phone call with someone I've been avoiding." I stood from the red booth and so did Reggie. We hugged and he kissed my cheek making the blush stand out further.

As we went our separate ways I called the only person I needed to talk to as I made my way home. "I know you have no good reason to answer my call especially after what you heard me say to Betty this morning but I would really like it if we could try to figure this all out. There's a lot I have to explain and even more I have to apologize for so please call me back."

When I got to my house my dad was standing outside looking pretty annoyed. "Where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you In hours and you told me you would be back in time for curfew!"

"Dad I told you on the phone I wouldn't be out too late and I don't even have a curfew!"

"You do now. You're grounded Alex, things are getting to insane around here. You won't be going to the wake so you can tell Veronica she won't be seeing you. You are to go to school and come right back."

"What did I do to deserve the sudden punishment?"

"For once make this easy and listen. You're grounded until I say you aren't."

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