To Riverdale and Back Again Part One

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The morning after. My head was pounding and my heart was aching. Everything I had so narrowly avoided for months had been put on display for the whole school to see. Walking downstairs I walk right into the kitchen grabbing an orange juice from the fridge and try to walk out but not before someone clears their throat getting my attention. "You know, most kids who see their mom for the first time in months would at least say hello."

Rushing over and dropping the plastic bottle I wrap my arms tightly around my mom. "I missed you." I said as best as I could with my face nestled into her baby pink sweater. After a few seconds I pulled away. "Why are you here? Are you and Dad finalizing things?"

"We can talk about that later, for now you have school today and you need to go get ready." Picking up the bottle from the floor I nodded at my mom and walked back upstairs. When I was nearly to the top I stopped as Archie came out of his room.

"Did you know Mom was here?"

"Yeah she showed up last night with Dad after everyone cleared out. I called Dad but I was totally caught off guard when she was actually here."

"You called him? Archie he went out there to finalize the divorce. I thought she was just coming by to tell us that!"

"Are you saying you're upset that there's a chance our parents might get back together? You should be thanking me right now!" Shaking my head I went to walk past him, but he held me back. "Why are you not okay with this?"

"Archie there was a reason they split up. They're adults and they make decisions for themselves. You calling Dad was selfish. Did you ever think that maybe them being apart would be better for everyone?" He looked taken aback, and I almost felt bad, but it wasn't his place to make choices that would affect us all.

"I can't believe you're thinking like that." He says shaking his head and letting me go before heading downstairs himself. I heard him talking to Mom but ignored it all as I went into my room and got ready. I could hear my phone buzzing and picked up the call.

"Hello?" For a second all I heard was heavy breathing. "Am I talking to Darth Vader?"

"Sorry, I thought I heard someone coming in." It was Veronica. "I need your help with something."

"Alright I'm putting you on speaker while I get dressed Ronnie." I placed the phone on my dresser and closed the blinds before rummaging through my drawers and grabbing my plaid shirt and blue sweater. "What's going on?"

"Well turns out my mother still doesn't care what I think about things and now she wants me to forget anything I've found out in case dear old Dad comes home."

"Don't even get me started on homecomings. Guess whose mother made an appearance this morning?" I could hear her gasp through the phone and tried not to laugh at my oh so dramatic friend. "That's right, Mary soon to be not Andrews."

"I can't believe that! How did that happen?" I could hear rustling from her end and could only assume she had been getting ready too. "Like, did she let anyone know?"

"Well apparently Archie called my dad last night and convinced him not to finalize the divorce. I know most kids want their parents to stay together but if my parents separated it was probably for a good reason, you know?" I asked as I pulled on some skinny jeans. "And now she says we have to talk."

"At least your mother isn't a possible murderer." She says grimly. "I can't believe we're all so close to getting the answers we want and the universe is doing everything in its power to drag us back into the abyss."

"Ronnie, as your friend I'm telling you to forget all this and go dress shopping for this week. As your best friend, meet me in the student lounge after lunch today and I will help you plan out an entire Bond worthy scheme." Hearing her laugh at my poor attempt made me feel a lot better.

"Perfect. I will see you at school Alex."

"See you then." We hung up and I quickly pulled on socks and some navy converse before putting on mascara and my mint EOS I grabbed the orange juice, my phone, and my bag. When I got back downstairs Mom and Archie were still talking. "Well this has been an eventful morning but we have to get to school Archie."

"Of course." Mom said putting down her coffee. "Have a good day you two." Without answering I pulled my earbuds out of the front pocket of my bag and plugged it into my phone. I could see a look of disappointment cross her face but that didn't stop me from shouting bye to my dad and walking out. I loved my mom, but there was more to this than anyone was letting on and I did not want to be in the middle of it all.

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