The Sweet Hereafter Part Three

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Walking up to Sweetwater River for the first time in months gave me chills. The ice and snow covered it's entire surface except one spot right in the center where Cheryl Blossom say pushing away snow and hitting the ice. She was wearing the same dress and cardigan as she did on July fourth. Archie took a step forward and we all heard the loud crack beneath his foot. "It won't hold all our weight."

He slowly moved closer, but when Cheryl stood and faced us all the air stiffened. It only lasted a moment as the ice broke and she fell straight down into the freezing water. Everyone broke into a sprint trying to reach her before it was too late. We all spread out, pushing away the snow and looking through the blue tinted ice as best we could.

I could feel my hands freezing and the ice scratched my skin, but none of that mattered when someone's life was at stake. "She's here!" Archie shouted. We all turned to him and saw him desperately hit the ice with all the force he could muster. We saw blood but didn't dare move in fear of the ice breaking below another person. "Come on!" He shouted again. I couldn't tell if I was shaking from the cold or fear but I couldn't stop it.

We all felt it when he finally broke through. The moments leading up to Cheryl resurfacing were the most tense of my life. When the bright red of her hair was seen I let out a breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. Archie carried her off the ice in his arms with all of us treading carefully behind. Once we were all on solid ground we moved as fast as we could. Archie placed Cheryl on the ground and did his best to perform CPR. When I hear her take in a deep breath and start choking on some of the water in her lungs I turn away. Cheryl was someone who had a reputation and I was sure she wouldn't want anyone seeing her like this, especially me.


That night, Jughead and I sat together in his Dad's trailer. I was wearing one of his flannels and sweatpants while my clothes were in the dryer. We were cuddled up on the couch while I made him watch Supernatural. I was sitting up straight while he had his head in my lap and let me play with his hair. "You know, I don't know why you keep this under a hat all the time. Your hair is so nice."

"I think yours is nicer,but whatever you say." He said reaching up and twisting a curl around his pointer finger. "I just can't believe it took us so long to get here."

"I'm just glad we did." He sat up and moved us so my legs were now over his. "Can I say something without sounding like some clingy girl?"

"You can try."

"Jughead Jones, I love you."

"If it's even possible I think I love you more." He leaned in and put a hand on my cheek before pulling me in for a kiss. Kissing him is something I don't think I'll ever get tired of. I moved my arms around his neck and moved to straddle him. His arms moved down and held my hips as things became heated.

Before we had the chance to go any further someone knocked at the door. I pulled away and sighed. "I finally get to do this and the whole world is acting like a major cock block."

"We have plenty of time for this I promise." I moved off his lap and followed him to the door. When he opened it, more Serpents than I had ever seen together had gathered outside the trailer. Jughead looks just as confused as me, but moves outside the doorway anyhow. A dog barking nearly scared me, but when a boy no older than us calmed him down, I moved to the doorway to see for myself.

"Hey." Jughead said, still taking in the scene in front of him.

"Heard your Dad could've named names but didn't." Said the man in the front with longer brown hair and a nose piercing. "Serpents take care of their own. We wanted you to know, no matter what happens to him, however long he's gone, we've got your back." He pauses for a moment and hands Jughead a Serpents jacket. "This is yours, if you want it." He looks back at the man and gives a small smile before putting the jacket on. He looks back at me with the same smile.

"Keep it, you look hot in leather."


The next morning I woke up on that same couch cuddled up with Jughead. The sound that woke me was the furious vibrating of my phone getting a text. My dad wanted me to meet him and Archie at Pop's. When I moved to put the phone back I heard Jughead groan as he nuzzled his face into my neck. "Please tell me that's God telling us we can stay here forever." He said in his gravely morning voice, which was probably the most attractive thing I had ever heard.

"Cute, but no. I have to go meet my dad at Pops. You can come if you want?" I untangled myself from Jug and stood up. Walking to the dryer I pulled out my clothes and quickly changed, but instead of my cropped hoodie I took Jug's plain shirt and cuffed the sleeves before pulling the flannel on over it. "Is it okay if I steal these?" I ask as I walk back into the livingroom. When he looks up a smile grows onto his face and I can't help but smile back.

"Anytime." I walk back to him and grab my phone off the table before squatting down to be level with his very sleepy self. "Do you have to go?"

"I do, but I'll text you as soon as I'm done with my dad. Promise." He pushes himself up and pulls me onto his lap kissing me quickly and looking into my eyes.

"I love you, Andrews."

"I love you too, Jones." I quickly peck him one last time before leaving him and the trailer behind me.

The walk to Pops is short, and just outside I see my brother. When I notice he hasn't seen me I run up and jump on his back. Thankfully, he catches me and he carries me into the diner. "Hey Casanova, I ordered your usual. Didn't expect you two to show up together. Figured Alex would sleep in a few minutes longer."

"Well here I am, can you order me onion rings and a shake? If we're talking about something serious I at least need comfort foods." He shakes his head with a small laugh. "Taking that as a yes. I'll be right back, need to use the ladies room." I leave the two boys and walk into the bathroom. Using the dimly lit mirror I quickly fix my hair into a side braid and wash the mascara lines off my cheeks.

When I walk back out I see Archie standing in the doorway looking petrified. I go to step around him, but he holds me back with his good hand. I stand on my tip toes to look over his shoulder and see Dad shaking his head 'no' at the two of us. I hear a man shouting about a safe and my Dad stands up. I'm holding onto Archie's arm so tight I fear I'm leaving marks, but from what it sounds like the man out there is not safe.

Dad suddenly stands up catching his attention and holds both his hands up. "Give me your wallet!" The man screams as best he can, although it sounds muffled I'm in no position to see why. Archie, whose inches in front of me steps further back and I take the chance to step out from behind the wall.

When I see the man in the mask pointing his gun towards my Dad, something takes over me. I jump in front of him and hear two shots ring out. My body is numb, I feel light headed, and suddenly I'm staring up at the fluorescent lights. Things are moving in slow motion as I see Archie above me, but I can't move or speak.

He kneels down beside me, and in that moment I think I'm done for. I can see him crying and trying to help us both as best he could. In a moment of clarity I spoke. "Tell Jug," I whispered out. "that I love him."

And it faded to darkness.

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