La Grande Illusion Part Two

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Before this chapter starts I just wanna let you guys know that Blackmailed by Betty is officially entered into the 2017 Watty's! We hit 8K which is amazing so I'll be praying. This is the first time I've actually felt good enough about a story to enter it so thank you in advance for any votes I get because everyone and their mother is writing Riverdale stories so who knows how this is gonna go! Anywho...back to Cheryl Blossom actually becoming useful


Looking around the table I saw something I thought I'd never see again. My dad, Archie, and Jughead joking around about something that happened on the construction site last week while I was inside. The past few months made it hard to believe these nights even existed anymore. No talk of murder or any other crime resulting in time behind bars. Just the four of us like old times. "This is nice." I said leaning back in my chair. "Why don't we do stuff like this more often?"

Before anyone could answer the doorbell rang and my Dad went to answer it. I was facing away from the door, but based purely on Jughead's face it wasn't anyone we wanted to see. When I heard the word 'dilfy' I knew there was only one person it could be. I looked back at Jughead and heard him whisper to himself. "The ice woman cometh."

When I turned around and saw Cheryl Blossom walking into my house with a guitar case and her signature red lipstick covering her usual smirk I knew our plan was going off course. Knowing it would be suspicious if I left the room I just sat and continued to eat. That was until my plate was pushed aside by a guitar case being placed on the table. Sharing a look with an equally as unamused Jug, I zoned out until I heard the words that changed the game. "84 Les Paul. In our signature color." My eyes widened as the case was propped open and a beautiful instrument sat in front of us.

Cheryl spoke some more but all I could see was the sleek red guitar and the way even our fluorescent lights reflected in such a gorgeous way even I was in love. "Okay, I'm going now that's all. But I was wondering if I could speak to Alex for a moment. School projects and such." By the look on her face I didn't have much of a choice but I still looked over at my Dad praying he would say no. When he nodded I sighed before following her out onto the porch. "Have you made any progress with your brother?"

"Well I was about to talk to him until someone walked in with a very expensive bribe and decided to change the whole plan without even telling me."

"You were taking too long. If you want me to help you with Betty you have to help me with this. Make sure he doesn't have a single doubt about this weekend and maybe you'll find yourself in my good graces. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." As she walked down the steps and faded into the darkness I took a seat on the bench and let the nighttime breeze calm me down. This plan seemed like such a good idea at the time. Cheryl Blossom has connections with everyone in this town whether it be friends or blackmail she was the person to call if you needed something done. Maybe I should've just told Sheriff Keller and been done with this.

"Are you okay?" Archie asked as he came and sat down beside me. Seeing the bright red lip print somehow made me even more uncomfortable.

"When am I ever okay?"

"What did Cheryl need to talk to you about? I haven't seen the two of you make eye contact before tonight." I had two options. Tell Archie everything Cheryl and I had planned or keep up with my end of the deal and make sure the Maple Banquet went exactly as Cheryl wanted.

"We just have some work to do for the Blue and Gold. She wants me to write an article about the annual maple banquet and its importance this year because of Jason. I told her I would but since it's an exclusive event I can't take photographs or even get information so it isn't possible."

"I'm going Alex, I can get you some quotes or something while I'm there. And I'm sure there's gonna be a photographer so maybe Cheryl could forward you some shots. She just gave me a whole guitar for helping her, I'm sure she'd be willing to help you out a little." Done. My end of the deal had been finished and now it was set that Archie was attending the banquet with Cheryl this weekend.

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