Faster, Pussycats! Kill! Kill! Part Four

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***This episode had so much I wanted to use so it's gonna have a fourth chapter dedicated to it. Hopefully this is a one time thing but who knows***

I was standing in the hallway at the high school waiting for my brother that night. Sure, it was nice to be there for Veronica in her debut with the Pussycats, but at the end of the day I couldn't wait until later tonight. Betty was no where to be found and I was almost sure she didn't have anyone to spy and tell on me for talking to him. After a few minutes I saw him walk out with his guitar on his back looking pretty happy with himself. I go to approach him, but quickly Valerie passes me and reaches my brother first.

The two of them hug and after I blink I see them kissing. Sadly, this wasn't the first time I had seen my brother kissing someone like it was no big deal. I just hoped for her sake he was over all that. Since they looked like they were done for now I approached the duo. "Well that was quite a show, and I don't just mean the romance." I said with a wink as my brother and Valerie started to blush.

"Hey Alex I didn't see you there." My brother said scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Well I've decided the invisible woman act is over. Missed my brother too much."

"We have a lot to talk about. You wanna head home and talk?"

"Yeah, that is if you don't need more time with your lady here." Valerie was still smiling and it made me happy to know that she cared about my brother.

"I think we're good, but we will talk later I promise." He said looking at Valerie. "I've waited too long to talk to Alex but I will call I promise." She just nodded and stepped away as the two of us walked down the hall and out of the school.

"Archie, I do really feel bad for ignoring you all this time. I just needed to cope with everything and accept it myself before I started talking to other people about it. When I tell you this I need to know you won't freak out and start making rash decisions."

"Of course I won't. All that matters is that you're okay right now and talking to me again." He says with a small laugh as we walk down the darkened sidewalk.

"Archie I was raped." He stopped in his tracks and I could tell even with his shadow covered features he was shocked. "The fourth of July I went out with Evan for a while and that's why Betty and I don't get along. I called her that morning to help me and she called me a liar, said he would never do that."

"That asshole raped my sister and you just let him get away with it!"

"Calm down it was months ago, it doesn't matter now."

"Of course it matters Alex! He got a football scholarship across the country and got off free. He's living the life probably doing the same thing to girls at his college and you just let him get away with it all?"

"That morning when Betty didn't believe me I figured nobody would so I kept it to myself."

"There are tests for that sort of thing the police can run! You think anyone believed Cheryl when she said Jason was dead? They found that body and are trying to solve that murder. Why would you keep this to yourself?" I felt myself holding my breath trying to hold back the fact that would change the whole conversation. "Why didn't Betty tell me all these times I asked her what was wrong?"

"Because she's blackmailing me damnit!" I blurted out before realizing what I said and walking away from Archie further down the street. He jogged up beside me and stopped in front of me. "She's using it against me to keep me away from you and Jughead. She said if I talked to either of you she would tell everyone what happened."

"Alex, why wouldn't you just let her?" At that moment I thought my brother had an empty space between his ears.

"Let the whole town know the worst thing that's ever happened to me? Have it talked about over tea at the book club? See everyone stare at me like a piece of trash as I walk down the halls? No thank you."

"You're the victim! If everyone found out how would Betty use it against you? If anything it would sound like she was trying to get help for you and get him put away. She wouldn't be able to use it against you at all. If anything she would be doing you a favor and giving that jerk exactly what he deserves."

Holy shit. My brother was right, something I'm sure I would never say again. Sure, it was bad what happened but if she told the whole town what happened to me they would all just feel bad for me. "Archie you are the best brother in the entire world." I said hugging him for the first time in weeks. "Thank you for believing me."

"I know it's been hard the past few years as I got closer with Betty but at the end of the day you're my sister. We don't get a lot of guarantees, for all I know Betty won't remember me in ten years, but I know you're stuck with me for the long haul."

Blackmailed by Betty (Jughead Jones III)Where stories live. Discover now