The Lost Weekend Part Three

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When I went back into the house I heard quiet whispers but nothing else. That was until I heard Cheryl Blossom call me out. "Alex we were just playing a little game. I think it's only fitting you join in considering your condition."

"Cheryl I'm not playing your stupid game. I have bigger things to deal with than a high school bully right now so if you don't mind shutting the hell up that would be great." I walked towards the front door only to have Chuck step in front of me. "Not you too! Jesus can't anyone catch a break in this damn town?"

"Not today. Take a seat." He grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the semi circle of chairs in the living room.

"Hey get your hand off my sister!" Archie shouted from his spot.

"Don't worry Archie I can handle this." I pulled my arm out of his grasp and sat down in the only empty seat beside Veronica. "Now what the hell is this game. I have things to do."

"We've just been spilling some very important information we feel everyone has the right to know. So far your brothers mommy issues and the Hiram crime files have been popular topics. Maybe we should just finish with a bang." Cheryl said with a wink and smirk.

"Are you seriously making bad puns at a time like this? You don't even know what you're talking about!" I went to stand up but two hands pushed me back in my seat.

"As most of you know Alex here used to date Evan Daniels." Chuck said from behind me. "But what you don't know is what they did on July fourth."

"Turns out Evan left the state for more than the football. Guess he had his way with her and I guess it was so bad he couldn't even stand to live in the same coast." Cheryl started. "Maybe that's why Jughead chose Betty over you?"

I could feel hot tears rushing down my face, but at this point nothing I said would make anyone believe me. My worst fear had come to light and I was all alone to deal with the consequences. "God can you please stop crying it's not like you'll never see him again." Chuck said. When he walked towards the door and clicked the lock I looked up. As the door opened I saw the only person in the world I liked less than Betty Cooper.

"Honey, I'm home."

"You stay the hell away from her!" Archie jumped up and pressed Evan against the wall with his arm digging into his neck. "You have some nerve showing your face around here after what you did!"

"Oh come on Arch, we both know your sister is in that playbook. She was the first nine." He said with a wink making my skin crawl.

"You are disgusting and you deserve everything that's coming to you." Veronica said from beside me. "How can you live with what you did?"

"Well you see," He started before pushing Archie off him and onto the stairs taking a few steps closer. "Alex and I dated for a while and we were pretty serious, but she never wanted to give it up. At least this way I got what I needed and at least I had the decency to leave."

The look on Betty Cooper's face was priceless. "Wait you actually raped her?" She practically shouted. "Evan that is so unlike you how the hell did that happen?"

"Oh come on Betty you can't tell me you thought the captain of the football team was a nice guy who wanted to settle down?" As relieved as I was that Betty finally knew the truth my biggest fear was five feet away and everyone seemed to scared to do anything.

"Oh screw it." I heard from Archie before he bounded onto Evan and punched him right across the face. Jughead took his shot and took a swing at Chuck. Out of nowhere FP comes in and pulls Chuck and Jughead apart before throwing Chuck out. He came back in and grabbed Archie off of Evan and dragged Evan onto the porch. When he turned back towards the large group of teenagers he was livid.

"What are you looking at? The party's done go home!" It didn't take long for everyone to shuffle out and leave only a few of us behind. I didn't see Jughead but Veronica was still beside me and Archie and Betty were sitting next to each other on the stairs.

"Well I'm gonna go now." Betty says. When no one argues or even looks in her direction she walks out and closes the door behind her leaving the three of us to ponder what just happened.

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