The Outsiders Part One

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Why? Why did this have to happen this week? Couldn't Archie have been nice to his friend any other week? Jughead Jones was living with us and I was trying to find a nice way to ask my brother why he had suddenly turned into a good person. Right now I could hear the two of them playing some video game in his room and I wanted nothing more than to run in and tell them to shut the hell up so I could write my English paper, but if Archie was suddenly the nice twin things would be very different.

Instead, I took a deep breath and walked over to the open door. "You know I've lived with a guy my entire life but never has this room smelt as boyish as it does right now." I joked over the loud gunshot sounds and muffled military yelling.

"You know I've had a sister my whole life but never has she been so invested in how my room smells." Archie said with a laugh as he paused the game and spun his chair to face me. "So what do you really need Alex?"

"How do you know I need something? Maybe I just wanted to pay a visit to my brother?"

"Oh so it has nothing to do with your crush on Jughead?" Archie said with a smirk as Jughead's eyes widened.

"Well this has been nice but if you two don't mind lowering the volume I have an English paper to write and a brother's death to plot." I turned and walked right back to my room passing my dad along the way. "I know one person's brother in this town has already been found dead so what do you think my chances are of getting rid of Archie anytime soon?"

"Not funny. What did he do this time?" My dad asked stopping short.

"He made fun of a crush that I have in front of my crush." I was trying to be subtle but if my father was half as smart as I thought he would know exactly who I was talking about.

"I was wondering why I hadn't seen Reggie around lately." Guess not. "You two seemed to have a good thing going but if he lets your brother scare him off he isn't worth it anyway."

"Uh, thanks Dad. I'll be sure to keep that in mind."


The next day at school I found myself sitting in the student lounge with Archie, Jughead, and Kevin. "So is this is the part where we have an intervention for me because as far as I know I don't have any drug or alcohol related issues." I asked as I sat down.

"Alex there's something going on with Dad's construction company and I want to know if you'd be willing to help us out on the site." Archie asked.

"See I would love to help, but in case you can't tell I have the upper body strength of- well of me."

"Not with the heavy lifting. You did paperwork all summer and I'm sure Mrs. Lodge and Dad could use some of your organizational expertise."

"Alright fine, but if I have any blonde situations because I'm helping my father keep his business open I will not hesitate to fight her." Kevin's eyes widened at the thought of an Andrews-Cooper showdown. "So who else are you asking?"

"Probably Moose and Reggie, maybe a few other guys from the team."

"Can I make a request that you not ask Reggie Mantle? For my own sanity please?" My brother looked confused considering just two weeks ago Reggie and I were always at each others side.

"I guess I can ask someone else if it bothers you that much. Can I ask why?" Everyone in the room tensed, but it was especially showing on Jughead since he looked more pissed than anything.

"We were spending a lot of time together but then he started acting like an ass and heckling you when you were already scared to death at your audition slot so I cut him off. He keeps trying to find some way to talk to me but I think the two of us surrounded by power tools is too much temptation."

"Awe little sister standing up for her brother." Kevin said putting a hand on his heart.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my bag over my shoulder. "Whatever guys I did something nice, move on. I'll see you guys later I have to turn in my English paper."

"Wait, we had an English assignment?" I heard Archie say as I turned away and walked out with a smile knowing that Karma had done me right today.

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