The Lost Weekend Part One

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Days had gone by in silence. Jughead wasn't speaking to me, Archie's crushing breakup left him mute, and Veronica seemed to be getting closer and closer to Betty every day. I walked alone to class and sat alone at lunch. Things seemed to be the same as they were before this year started. Lonely.

As I sat on my bed and clicked through Netflix I heard a knock and before I could respond my dad had opened the door and let himself in. "Hey kiddo do you mind if we talk for a minute?"

"Sure Dad what's up?" I asked sitting up and putting the remote down. "Am I grounded again?"

"Actually the opposite, I don't really trust your brother to make intelligent decisions in his current state and I need you to keep an eye on things while I'm gone for the weekend." He took a seat at the end of the bed. "You think you can handle that?"

"Of course. Where are you going?"

"Well I actually have to meet up with your mom. We- well we're signing the papers." If I wasn't already depressed enough now my parents were officially going to be divorced. "I know that wasn't the best way to tell you but it was bound to happen eventually Alex."

"Why now? Does this have something to do with Mrs. Lodge?" He let out a sigh and looked down.

"No, Hermione has nothing to do with this choice. The two of us are over. Never mix business and pleasure. Your mother and I are just avoiding the inevitable at this point and it's just easier to finish this while it's easy."

"Dad, you know how much I love and respect you but are you sure this is what you want? What if next week you realize how much you still love her and want her back? It's easier to just rip up those stupid papers and forget the whole thing than to get remarried."

"Alex, I know you and your brother would like it a lot if things went back to the way they were but right now this is just how it has to be. I'm sorry." Standing from the bed he left the room. He looked back like he wanted to say something else, but only shook his head and closed the door.


When I got to school and saw Jughead I quickly turned the other way down the hall. For someone who hated being avoided he sure was good at doing it to other people. Sadly the plan to hide from the world was unsuccessful as I ran right into my brother and Betty. "Speak of the devil." Betty muttered under her breath. "Hi Alex." She spoke with quite possibly the fakest smile plastered on her face.

"Uh, hey Betty. Sorry for knocking into you guys but I actually have to get to class so I'll see you later." As I tried to walk away Archie wrapped a hand around my wrist and held me in place. "You know I actually have class that isn't just an excuse."

"Well you know how it's Jug's birthday tomorrow?" I just nodded as I pried his hand off. "Well I was wondering if you were still up for the double feature and dinner? I know the two of you are fighting but it wouldn't be the same without you."

"Of course! American Werewolf in London is showing and everyone knows how much I love that movie." Betty looked a little disappointed that I had still agreed even though Jug and I weren't really on speaking terms. "What's the second half?"

"Well you can ask Jug when we get home today. Betty here was planning on inviting FP too." Those were the words that really caught me off guard. Not only was Betty the bitch Cooper jumping in on our annual plans, but she was trying to invite Jughead's father? This could not end well.

"I know when we were little he used to come with us, but I don't think the two of them are on the best terms right now." When the bell rang I let out a breath of relief knowing I could actually move away from this and let Betty be the sole reason this all went to hell. "Alright well do whatever you want but I will be in English."

Blackmailed by Betty (Jughead Jones III)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن